Feedback from open alpha (some first time thoughts)



    I did play on recent open alpha test game and here are few thoughts that were for me confusing or not just feeling right

    I know game is on development but I can't do first time thoughts more than once. And wanted to give some more feedback on own topic because last one was locked ( and for getting finally those new topic foundation points.

    • Keys, not configurable or listed anywhere currently in client.
    • No tooltips for hovering over or guiding help for locating and learning crafting devices faster.
    • Inventory
      • Moving items between containers / looting was slow and clumsy. I thought first game has just DND but after playing around little more RMB did work for faster looting.
      • Inventory felt really limited
        • It is having limited amount of slots, having really limited stacks and top of that even carry weight limit.
    • Tutorial guides to craft items on machines that could have been crafted by hand.
      • Later this made me do respawn in town because I thought it is only way to have axe and other basic tools. So I lost all my items and time because of that. It might not sound bad for players who have been around longer but as someone who is playing game first time it is wasn't just having fun losing all items and felt much time wasted to walk some area that tutorial is pointing.
    • I got stuck on blueprint crafting because of placement mode. I solved it out but it could have been smoother.
    • Compass
      • This was thing that I am still thinking after playing I assume north is it top right but there could be proper arrow for main direction.
    • More clear steps what building house actually needs.
      • I didn't want to google or lookup information to do stuff for first time trying. Next day I did ask it on chat and got answer but if I have understood right it is so much ask question that it will get annoying spam to players.
      • After I learn what it needs, how it was limited to set locations and I was on area that was too far from gold dropping mobs I just decided not to continue testing for much longer.


    @almund said in Feedback from open alpha (some first time thoughts):

    hing that I am still thinking after playing I assume north is it top right but there could be pr

    1. You could right click on the item on the corpse and it would be taken to your inventory. This did not work for a container such as a chest though, only corpses which may have fooled a lot of people.

    2. I don't know why they did it, but the in-game map was actually flipped from what it was suppose to be, that made North on the compass actually be South instead. which is why the coords always went in the opposite direction you would have thought they would.

    3. you have some good points for the devs to remember, though the other items are more later-game development stage coding which I am sure they already plan on doing. Still, its good to bring them up so that it jogs their memory 🙂

  • Wiki Editor

    @almund said in Feedback from open alpha (some first time thoughts):


    Nice to see, you shared your experiences. 🙂
    Let me answer some things or even add my experiences.

    • Keys, not configurable or listed anywhere currently in client.

    About this the Devs are aware of it.
    There are many settings that are still missing.
    But i know they want to add several settings and changable keybindings.
    I am also curious, when we get them 😉

    • No tooltips for hovering over or guiding help for locating and learning crafting devices faster.

    There are some things that could use a little help/description text.
    Right at the top the Endurance/Life/Mana Bar, that would prevent the Every-10-lines-asking-for 😂
    I think at some point i will make a full list and hand them out.

    • Inventory
      • Moving items between containers / looting was slow and clumsy. I thought first game has just DND but after playing around little more RMB did work for faster looting.

    I think they are also aware about this. Shift Clicking is something that should get added definetivly.
    But step by step... we got Right-Click Loot to Inventory and Stack Dividing already 🙂

    • Inventory felt really limited
      • It is having limited amount of slots, having really limited stacks and top of that even carry weight limit.

    I am agreeing, since we have a weight limit, i think the inventory space should be somehow dynamic, at least expandable with extra bags. But the space limit is not that unusual in such kind of game, even with weight limit. Prometheus already said something about that.

    • Tutorial guides to craft items on machines that could have been crafted by hand.
      • Later this made me do respawn in town because I thought it is only way to have axe and other basic tools. So I lost all my items and time because of that. It might not sound bad for players who have been around longer but as someone who is playing game first time it is wasn't just having fun losing all items and felt much time wasted to walk some area that tutorial is pointing.

    Hmm yeah, i understand this beginner problem, but i am more the kind of player who always inspect all UI-Elements, before i go out to start to really play a game. Also just the simple tools/weapons will be able to craft with hand later on, so the tutorial is not that wrong, just at the moment maybe confusing, since the only thing that you can just craft on Workbench was the Scholar Clothes. That will change much soon.
    So i would say, this was a classical Layer 8 Problem 😛

    • I got stuck on blueprint crafting because of placement mode. I solved it out but it could have been smoother.

    Agree, that using of Right Mouse/Left Mouse for Blueprint Placing/Moving would be something for a Tutorial. And with the Campfire we have from start a blueprint, where it could be explained with. But i also think a list of Keybindings in the Settings would help in future much to know, what to use for what.

    • Compass
      • This was thing that I am still thinking after playing I assume north is it top right but there could be proper arrow for main direction.

    Oh oh... then you maybe can imagine how it was first weeks at Myr.
    They turned the Map after short time to fit the direction you move. Before it was a 45 degree difference and you always moved in a different direction on your Screen (Up/down, right/left) than the direction on Map was. 😄
    The weird feeling comes from the as design view, the world is not North/South directed, its an isometric game, that means the map on your screen is always 45° - means, if you want to run to North, you need to run in direction of your upper left corner on your Screen.

    • More clear steps what building house actually needs.
      • I didn't want to google or lookup information to do stuff for first time trying. Next day I did ask it on chat and got answer but if I have understood right it is so much ask question that it will get annoying spam to players.
      • After I learn what it needs, how it was limited to set locations and I was on area that was too far from gold dropping mobs I just decided not to continue testing for much longer.

    Hmm i am agreeing, that Blueprints could have a summary on the Blueprint Book about all needed materials.
    Otherwise it would take the surprise effect... i am remembering on the first house we could build and we had so much fun about "Oh again stones for the wall supports"... "Ohh no 3 Wood for each Wall" ... "Will we need wood for the roof?...Ahh what a luck, we don't need to build the roof" 😉

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