My First Time. . .
Hi! Just wanted to set my mark here. . .I usually don't participate in forums, but this is a 1st for me. Err, not posting, I mean being at the ground floor of an MMO (or any game for that matter!)
How about everyone else? Any other alpha rookies representing? I bet there's prob some seasoned vets, too. . .what's your experiences been like with supporting early development of games like "Fractured?" Thanks for the feedback, and overall, just really excited for this game moving forward!
@blacshonjak Hello new friend, you might need this (info).
Hello BlacShonJak!
@blacshonjak hello and welcome aboard
@blacshonjak said in My First Time. . .:
How about everyone else? Any other alpha rookies representing?
Hey! For me it´s also the first game I support before late beta / release
Welcome new friend)
There is always a first time
My first alpha-beta support too, and it's funny to see the developement of a game ^^
Well then welcome
Hello and Welcome
@blacshonjak Alpha and Beta testing (done right) are interesting. The goal is to find things that work oddly, report them, and ideally have a method to reproduce them so they can be fixed.
It's still good fun in the game, although it is a little different. Think of it as trying to help make the game be the best it can be for launch, and you won't go wrong. Think of it as early time in the game for yourself, and it's pretty much just that (personally, that means that mindset is a wasted opportunity to help the developers and yourself both, but... that's my thoughts on it).