Stats and skills tab! (what they do and mean in this game)
so starting with skills it's most likely these as seen in the picture showing all the symbols "sword, shield, 2h sword, tank, healer, death magic (like for vampire leech build), rogue (ninja thing), the hands thing is most likely beast tamers, scales is bartering so that means "you can set up shops in your base most likely", lightning looking thing is most likely speed, weight etc... and last is most likely shadow magic abilitys (assassins) and the meteor is most likely damage aoe spells(as seen that the showed ability has "area autocast" on it)"
so stats... it's work like any MMO/ARPG
Strength = red bar (melee damage, life regen)
Intelligence = purple bar (magic damage, Mana regen)
Constitution = yellow/brown (next to red) ( Endurance/Regen)
dex = green (most likely) (accuracy, range damage, stamina/regen)
perception = green/yellow (crit damage, evasion?)
and by process of elimation... charisma = blue (crit chance and luck "which is most likely loot chance")
(though we dont know whats IN the skill tree's for it we can see a few things and i'll point them out)- top left is money (devs hacks!) or it's easy to get money lol...
- underneath money is inventory space so i think maybe constitution skill tree contributes to carry space...
- top left of skill tree we can see 24/60 points unlocked (which makes me think lvl 60 is max lvl) and 24 points assigned (which makes me think it costs 2 for each skill point)
- unlock skill point! 1000KP? (KP = Kill points most likely shown at top right with the book)
- top right has knowledge points (or known as kill points)
- underneath this is the persons level (most likley, 26!/60 for attributes?)
thats all i really gathered from this but i hope that helps
That's a lot of speculation and I don't agree with all of it.
I don't think skills work like that. with 400+ abilities, I don't think they'll be spread over just 12 catagories. We already know there will be multiple magic schools, divine magic schools, unarmed, etc.
Intelligence = purple bar (magic damage, Mana regen)
Intelligence might be blue, due to mana often being blue in games.
underneath money is inventory space so i think maybe constitution skill tree contributes to carry space...
That might be weight, because the inventory system will work like in Diablo and Path of Exile, so items will take up physical space and it's up to the player to move items around to fit as much as possible.
Weight will certainly affect what you can carry aswell according to the link below, but inventory won't work like in WoW where every item takes up 1 slot. left of skill tree we can see 24/60 points unlocked (which makes me think lvl 60 is max lvl) and 24 points assigned (which makes me think it costs 2 for each skill point)
I think it's:
Points unlocked: Amount of points unlocked / point cap.
Points assigned: amount of points assigned / amount of points unlocked.unlock skill point! 1000KP? (KP = Kill points most likely shown at top right with the book)
KP = Knowledge Point. Don't call them kill points, because knowledge is gained from more than just killing.
@reaper said in Stats and skills tab! (what they do and mean in this game):
(...) death magic (...) last is most likely shadow magic (...)
From the spotlight #1 it's way more "blood magic" than death magic. Little confused about the "death thing" and the "crying eye" a kind of "sharingan" or "rinegan". Those things maybe the advantages of vampires (who have blood magic) and nightmares (aces of disguise and illusion).
@reaper said in Stats and skills tab! (what they do and mean in this game):
(...) lightning(...) the meteor (...)
I think it's all about magical power.
@vengu KP, kill points >:3
Btw, the icons in the second screenshot are actually just placeholders. It says so on the bottom of the spotlight.