PK punishment
@loki how would you manage the gameplay for carebears so in the same server?
@phaethonas said in PK punishment:
Care-bears should not be defended at a game like Fractured. Marrying pvp and pver is hard enough by its own, taking into the equation the extreme pvpers (gankers) and the extreme pvers (care-bears) will make the "marrying" process impossible.
Fail words. I'm an hard core pver but that means I do my best in pve content (pve content are pvp less). This does not means I'm not a pvper. I enjoy pvp but what I mean Is that I love to do a task at time. So or I go for pvp or I go for pve I hate to be disturbed while doing other things. Hard core pvper are skilled pvers that fight for something usually objectives.
As for the OP, punishing player killing is stupid. Why have a feature which you will punish? That is crazy. If you want a game without pvping then you make a game without pvping or you make a server where pvp is not possible. If on the other hand you want a game, or server, with pvping, whereas is the sense at punishing it?
you are looking to one side only. The game is both. givin pvp everywhere would make the game for pvp players only. Every real PvEr is a carebear if you want call them like that simply cause you can focus thing without care about others while doing tasks, but this does not meas all of them hate pvp. Said this you want a game just for pvpers.
PvE is PvE and PvP is PvP if you put PvE in a PvP content that's just PvP not PvE so somehow you have to create PvE content. One way is pvp off, another one is pvp off with flag system that allow to kill flagged. This hybrid way with restrinctions and safe zone could work or not.
You all PKers are talking too much prolly many of you consider me a "carebear". If you like we can go play some MOBA or FPS. This way the carebear can show you how to PvP (oh.. no way to pking there
not games for ya prolly so you are not PvPers but just PKers).
If you want an extreme PvP game try out Unreal Tournament (remake by epic games). That's an hardcore pvp game.
@finland said in PK punishment:
if you put PvE in a PvP content that's just PvP not PvE
Again, no...
It's called PvX. Google it ^^
The fact that you yourself don't like to mix it is another story, it doesn't make PvP + PvE = PvP... it's still PvX.
@gothix Think what you want but trust me that every PvEr will consider it the same. Mixed turns to PvP so it's PvP for me.
@finland said in PK punishment:
If you like we can go play some MOBA or FPS. This way the carebear can show you how to PvP (oh.. no way to pking there
not games for ya prolly so you are not PvPers but just PKers).
Yeah insulting other players, insinuating they have no skills, and saying "skill based games are not for them" certainly shows you in good light. It shows your righteousness and spotless character, lol.
@gothix Insults? I have not insulted people. I'm just trying to show the difference between PvP and Pking.
@Specter if that could be understood as an insult I will remove it. I do not see it as an insult but as a fact.
@finland said in PK punishment:
@gothix Insults? I have not insulted people. I'm just trying to show the difference between PvP and Pking.
Well basically calling other players (for whom you have no idea about) skill-less, and just pkers that attack weaker targets, saying they are not able to pose any real competition at skill based combat.
@gothix Is the same as using the term Carebears
if people cries out for this: "you have no idea about" I will stop trust humans. People feel easily hurt by words nowadays.
I have never said to someone "to die" or I have never insulted his mom. Those are examples of insults by me. Not all players are skilled the same, you must recognize it. Ambushing is just an easy way and that's why (my point of view). Ambushers are moslty pkers (so low players, my point of view). But this is not an insult this is just how I see the skill around. I have not seen any of you playing. You might be a pro pvper that likes to play pkers who knows. I'm not native english so mostly of what I say may be missunderstood.
@finland said in PK punishment:
@gothix Is the same as using the term Carebears
Not really, calling someone like that does not insinuate they have no skills, just that they prefer not to use those skills to fight other players, and that they are usually requesting game mechanics to protect them from PvP (which is quite correct).
Now if you would go and say "hey you, you suck" and add other attributes to describe this player, that would be insulting.
@gothix I edited the post up there. Anyway if people will stop arguing about "carebears" I will stop arguing about "pkers". My sword is ready every time someone summons a "carebear"
@finland said in PK punishment:
@gothix I edited the post up there. Anyway if people will stop arguing about "carebears" I will stop arguing about "pkers". My sword is ready every time someone summons a "carebear"
It's what I'm saying, not everyone of them lacks the skills to fight, just prefers not too. The same way not every ganker lacks the skills to engage in skilled PvP (or PvE for that matter), it's just that he goes by principle "red is dead" and considers everyone a target to kill, regardless if it's a gank, a fair fight, or even an opponent stronger than himself.
The difference is that sensitive players tend to join in to PvP MMO under development and ask for that MMO to change so very often, requesting mechanics to allow them to opt out of PvP if they wish so. Constantly writing threads about PK punishments and PvP opt out availability.
Meanwhile, PvPers do not join forums of PvE MMOs under development and ask them to add PvP. If PvE MMO is being developed they simply do not join it (asking for changes), but rather just go join some PvP MMO being developed.
THAT is the difference.
And then after skipping PvE MMOs being developed they join in to PvP MMOs being developed and find bunch of threads of those players asking for those MMOs to turn to PvE as well. THAT is why they have issue with them.
Sensitive players aren't satisfied of half MMOs being PvE, they want ALL MMOs to be PvE, so they can pick and chose, and they do not care about PvPers having something to play too.
(i hope you better understand now the difference)
@gothix from urban dictionary:
Care Bear- Lightly derogatory term for an MMO player...
Players that want to fight mobs and not other players are called PvE players not carebears.
And once again (this is getting boring) this is not PvP MMO. It's both PvE and PvP.
@gothix said in PK punishment:
The difference is that carebears tend to join in to PvP MMO under development and ask for that MMO to change so very often, requesting mechanics to allow them to opt out of PvP if they wish so. Constantly writing threads about PK punishments and PvP opt out availability.
This is not a PvP game it's said on FAQs. This is both PvP and PvE
Care bears aren't satisfied of half MMOs beinf PvE, they want ALL MMOs to be PvE, so they can pick and chose, and they do not care that PvPers have something to play too.
there are not much PvE games around personally I like just WoW and trust me that after 11 years is getting boring.
If I'm taking the side of PvErs is because the Devs planned to make a game for both and thye also said that they does not want to create a gankbox.
@finland said in PK punishment:
@benseine Dude PvE is PvE and PvP is PvP if you put PvE in a PvP content that's just PvP not PvE so somehow you have to create PvE content. One way is pvp off, another one is pvp off with flag system that allow to kill flagged. This hybrid way with restrinctions and safe zone could work or not.
What? How is that a reply to what I said?
@benseine yeah prolly that was not for you I have the forum going crazy and bugging XD. Prolly between one refersh and another I fucked it up XD
@finland said in PK punishment:
there are not much PvE games around personally I like just WoW and trust me that after 11 years is getting boring.
Are you serious? Almost all big mmorpg titles in the last decade where full PvE or had seperate zones for PvP or only had arena pvp. Only a handfull mmorpg where centred around PvP.
@benseine said in PK punishment:
@vengu said in PK punishment:
@benseine said in PK punishment:
@finland yes, so they should stick to those save mmo's and not whine so much to turn other/different mmo's into save games too. That is my biggest problem with them.
I don't understand why you and so many other PvP players here have such a big issue with PvE players.
Here is my issue, it's in the OP:
"I'd love to see perma death for most serious repeat offenders"
I don't have an issue with ALL pve players. Just the ones who post stuff like that. To keep it short I refer to THOSE pve players as carebears
Considering that many on the forum does not want to see "carebears" I can not blame them if they does not want to see PKers around XD.
@benseine WoW, GW2, TESO, FF end of the story. The only one I liked was WoW. TESO looks good but it's too late. I like to join fresh games.