Killing them just for staying behind sounds a bit too drastic, I still like my idea of giving them huge debuffs to make sure they can't defeat the boss again more.
That last one wouldn't really work in an actual MMO. Imagine you start playing after a year, only to find out all the dungeons are empty.
how? a boss is spawning, it's their spazzy entrance which kills everyone in the room.
For one, that way you can't have any bosses that give slowing debuffs, because that way the players might not get enough time to leave the dungeon.
Much more common would be people simply losing connection or going afk for a few seconds and getting instakilled by the AoE.
And of course, if someone wants to farm the boss, they can just leave the room, wait for the boss to respawn, then rush back in with no penalty whatsoever.
the boss would be dead for a whole minute. that's plenty of time to exit the dungeon.
the reason for the entrance/exit opening is to prevent one group from farming. it allows groups outside the entrance to fight for the next attempt. I thought I made it easy to understand, guess I'll go and edit it.
It's very simple, actually. You'd make a system where:
- The boss rooms have to be small, otherwise a minute wouldn't be enough to reliably escape in time.
- The bosses can't use slowing debuffs.
- If you lose connection or go afk for a minute, you're doomed.
- All boss rooms have to have a separate entrance and exit for it to work properly, meaning you can't have bosses in exterior areas.
- All boss rooms have to have a huge big door on them. Even if it's, say, an animal lair where the boss is a huge wolf. It still needs a door. Wolves can't build doors? Doesn't matter. This system requires a door.
- Or of course, instead of a door, you could put a nice big forcefield there, completely ruining any immersion.
i don't think i've ever been in a bosses room where it took over a minute to cross.
You also have to include the time it takes to heal up, loot everything, decide who gets what from said loot, manage your inventory (since inventory space in Fractured has been said to be very small), and only then you can think about actually leaving. A minute really isn't a lot, and an instant kill is a very harsh penalty. 9 times out of 10 this would only make slow players scream at their keyboards in rage and not a lot else.
if you know there's a time limit after the boss dies, you don't waste time. your loot master loots, then when you exit and get to a safe area, you distribute loot.
you shouldn't be going to a dungeon with full bags as you could have been killed while going there. everything you carry is something for the enemy.
Then you're highly limited when it comes to secondary weapons, potions and other buff items, not to mention loot from everything you've killed on the way to the boss. Also, "everything you carry is something for the enemy" applies a lot more when you don't have the time to heal up after finishing a boss fight. if I wanted to get any loot from that bossfight, I wouldn't bother fighting the boss, I'd just stand outside the exit and wait for the next group of nearly dead players to bring me everything I need. Admittedly, this would be a smaller issue outside of Tartaros, since people wouldn't want to get flagged as evil, but surely it would still happen on Syndesia at least.
so you're saying 1 minute isn't enough time to rez, heal, loot and vacate the area? because it is.
Again, only if absolutely nothing goes wrong and everyone knows what to do (which almost never happens in a group scenario), and if the boss rooms are very small (which limits the creativity of the devs, all rooms would end up looking the same).
I really hope that there will not be something 1lock in the whole server! I would prefer a lock to a character. So everyone get's their timers.
example group A kill the boss XXX. 1 week rest timer for the Group A and 10-20 mins respown time till the next group may kill it. so adding an interbnal boss respwon timer (20 mins for example) plus a chracter lock (1 week for example) this way you prevent people perma grinding the same boss and at the same time avoid top guild to monopolize bosses like happend on albion. So everyone will get their chance to try it.
No room locking. This is not a PvE game, and players will have to deal with PvP while doing PvE.
(And vice versa, while PvP-ing in the forest you will have to deal with mobs that you agro on you while doing it. Same as you will have to PvE to gain knowledge / professions for consumables etc. to actually be able to do PvP)
So you will have to deal with PvP while doing PvE, and vice versa.
@gothix lol that's stupid cause doing pvp in a dungoen that dungoen became pvp not pve
pve is just pve. If you have to engange pvp that became pvp only not pve.
@gothix lol that's stupid cause doing pvp in a dungoen that dungoen became pvp not pve
pve is just pve. If you have to engange pvp that became pvp only not pve.
No, it's both. It's called PvX.
(if devs wanted players having "peace" while doing dungeons, they would instance them)
@gothix Call what you want but it's not PvE. I usually use the term PvX to say that I like to do both things PvP and PvE but you use in another way. I like PvE but If I have to do PvP or care about PvP I will nto do that and I'll go just for PvP. I hate the mix.
(if devs wanted players having "peace" while doing dungeons, they would instance them)
that's why we have arboreus. Safe zone dungeons at the same level as outside. So carebears will be happy. Personally I will do PvE in a risky zones just for the knowledge. Once I get all I'll stop to do PvE in a risky zone. I'll focus on PvP on riscky zones and PvE on safe zones.
PvP will definitely be a thing in dungeons. After all, it's where you're most likely to meet other players when they're injured and weak, so it's the best opportunity. On top of that, there will likely be fights over loot and over who gets to fight the boss as well.
that's why we have arboreus.
Exactly. If you don't like it, stick with the furry planet.
@Finland I actually enjoy a mix of PvE and PvP a lot. It makes things less dull, less boring, specially after game is already "live" for a while.
PvE gets dull and repeatable after a while of doing it, killing same boss in same way over and over. Having to deal with PvP while doing it gives something fresh and different to each fight.
It's just better then isolating PvE to stand on it's own. At least in my opinion.
@gothix that's your I hate do 2 things bad. I prefer focus at 100% on one thing so or I go for PvP or I go PvE if I have to do it mixed up I skip it. In a risky zone it's just PvP. take a look on Albion where people enters open dungeon just to finish people that are fighting mobs to steal everything. There are more players doing that than those grinding the dungeon. That situation is not funny to me and the pve side not enjoyable. I ended up to ambush people too on albion cause there were no point in doing pve in that game.
I get the feeling that @Gothix is more suited towards the Demon playstyle, while @Finland is more of a Human.
I guess that's the main point of this game after all, to let everyone choose their preference instead of favouring either PvE or PvE players.
@nelchael yup I will roll a demon just for the challange to became an angel.