FUN test! Thanks
I've really enjoyed this last test. Just wanted to say that. There's been plenty of feedback about what's needed, and lots of good responses from the dev team, but what a game is meant to be is fun.
Wanted to say I had fun. Hope others did too! I made some great connections and had super times exploring the ??iverse, slaying new mobs, figuring out the trading post, farming nekkid, and being the beaner harbor of the north.
What was most fun for y'all in this test?
The day I decided alpha testing was not for me and stopped playing.
I did enjoy myself as well and found the city mechanics interesting. I wouldn't necessarily say that tests are made to have fun, at least that's not their primary goal, though, I guess, since we aren't paid QA, it does help to convince people to participate. A tricky and fine balance...
@Stacy555 said:
The day I decided alpha testing was not for me and stopped playing.
Fair enough
I don't deny the incompleteness and bugs try a person's patience. And patience isn't ordinarily my long suit. Still, taken as what it is, there is already much to enjoy for me and I wondered what others thought.
@Logain is right - alphas aren't set up for fun AND there needs to be some incentive for folks to participate. It's definitely true that a large % didn't continue playing to the end.
So it might help the devs to learn what people did enjoy (they've already heard LOTS about what annoyed us!)
I'll be back for Beta, It's my problem not Fractured.
This was my first Fractured Alpha, so I guess that I just enjoyed... well, the game.
For sure it has been fun, much more than I expected an Alpha to be.
Hi Arrya!
I arrived late to the party, and I regret not having heard the call before! Was fun to play with you and the rest of the nice people I met in the few days I was online.
Can't wait for the next iteration!
See you both next test @PeachMcD and @KatrinaBekers, will help tank legends for you then aswell
I enjoyed this alpha alot and tested every system as much as I had time to do. Everything from city building to enchanting stuff to test the best setup for legend hunting. What I love about Alpha gameplay is testing every system and find out how they work without all the typical guides, best way to learn about a game and its "to be" features.
See everyone next test in February,
Was an interesting test session and I learned a lot regarding town strategy and design.
See everyone in the next one!
You learned just how much you hate having to eat Rice and Beans every day?
(and just how hard it is to find a 5 leaf clover in a clover patch? )