[FRAC-1866] Infinite Stun with Strike Wounds + Shockwave (And maybe Bleeding strike)
I've found out that you can increase the stun duration to basically infinite if you stun them with Shockwave, and use Strike Wounds (as it is a buff, you can have it activated beforehand and it will cause the bug most of the times on mobs)
Here is a video of it happening on a Warg:
- around 70% , and I can proc it easier if, soon after I stun the mob, I walk a little to the side
- Strike Wounds use the Wounds on the target as a way of buffing damage, I believe it is also refreshing the time in the Wounds (You can see on the video that I do TONs of damage on it, that may happen because of the bleeding strike being stacked too)
Fixed in v.a.2.2.1d