Housing Concerns

  • So Malkn and I have been playing with the housing claims and co-owner part of the game, these are things we have noticed and things we think could help:

    On claim: (-1943 W, 958 N) Malkn's claim we have 3 houses; 1 2X2 with porch co-owner has full access; 2 2X2 one finished no co- owner acess to chest inside, second not built.

    No House Icon for co-owned houses on the Main Map: makes it hard to find again.

    Inventory Windows on Chest: closing too soon or while moving items to it.

    Rotate: for Houses and housing items would be nice.

    Hand Carts: can we have co-own option so we can have one person gather materials while other builts if wanted.

    These are what we have noticed and thought would help with the housing. We are also not sure if you wanted to let people built more than one property on a claim; Malkn says that it would be cool if you intend for that to have an option to combine the houses into something later. On on another note, it would be nice to have party member icons on the minimap.

    Thanks, Laki

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  • @Lakica I forgot to add that the fireplace doesn't allow co-owner to cook.

  • Wiki Editor

    @Lakica i was playing around with houses too yesterday.
    Lets see, what i figured 🙂

    @Lakica said in Housing Concerns:

    On claim: (-1943 W, 958 N) Malkn's claim we have 3 houses; 1 2X2 with porch co-owner has full access; 2 2X2 one finished no co- owner acess to chest inside, second not built.

    Did you set Rights on the Chests to Co-Owner?
    The Co-Owner Role on your Claim does not give automatically rights.
    But each of you will have rights at the Chest that you placed by your own.

    No House Icon for co-owned houses on the Main Map: makes it hard to find again.

    As i remember right, Prometheus said at Oxfurds Stream, that they will add Marker. So we just need to be a bit more patient about that feature 🙂
    Meanwhile you can help yourself to make a Screenshot of the Map to find back to your friends claim.

    Inventory Windows on Chest: closing too soon or while moving items to it.

    This i was experiencing too... but have not really a regularity found.
    You should describe this as own Bug Report.

    Rotate: for Houses and housing items would be nice.

    There is a rotating... you need to use Q.
    If you have select a Blueprint, you will see a small Helpline with usable Hot Keys right above your Actionbar.

    Hand Carts: can we have co-own option so we can have one person gather materials while other builts if wanted.

    I would like to have this option too 👍

    These are what we have noticed and thought would help with the housing. We are also not sure if you wanted to let people built more than one property on a claim; Malkn says that it would be cool if you intend for that to have an option to combine the houses into something later.

    I think thats exactly what they wanted to let us do.
    I figured you can setup at your personal claim up to 4 houses.
    I made 3 - the 2x2 with Porch and two other 2x2. Each with own "use".
    A small village 😉
    We will need to wait a bit, till they really implement the Town System.
    In the Design Journal about Towns is decribed, that you start small with a Hamlet on a Town Space and grow it up to a Town while adding different kinds of Buildings and Places to it.
    A bit like the Startertown, they just can become bigger than that 🙂

    On on another note, it would be nice to have party member icons on the minimap.

    I think that we will get sooner or later.
    It would help to find them, since the view is very limited and people who run out of your screen can be lost forever.

    @Lakica said in Housing Concerns:

    @Lakica I forgot to add that the fireplace doesn't allow co-owner to cook.

    I had same, i guess it also has no Permission Symbol nor move Symbol in the Menu.
    We builded a new one that had all options and destroyed the old one.
    But that i consider definetively as a bug, since all interactive Structures should have these options, no matter when and who builded them.
    There should be reports about, i have it in whole at my list for my summary later.

    Nice finds, keep testing and having fun 🙂

  • @Kralith The Chest were not giving the option to give permissions in the second house.
    The use Q to rotate is wonderful.

  • Wiki Editor

    @Lakica said in Housing Concerns:

    The Chest were not giving the option to give permissions in the second house.

    Yeah such a bug i had with several crafting stations that i was building in my House. But my Co-Owner just built new ones and these had all the right options.

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