@zephyrstormborn said in Betraying your faction and its place in the ever-changing world: I would love to become an angel by betraying the demons and rocking some angel gear and helping another faction even, I would just like to know the limitations that have been thought of so far if any and what everyone thinks on the same subject! Not all details about Angels have been revealed yet. We are all waiting for more info. So far we know only few details, that Angels will get a modified skin when you become and Angel so you will look different than Demons, you alignment will be good so some mechanics will change for you, and you will be able to live permanently on Syndesia. Devs are still considering more details, and things may change as we go. Ability for Angels to travel through Arboreus etc. so take everything with a grain of salt, game is still 2 years away from release, and even devs are still re considering some details.