@Phylosophys I would rather respawn at a location I have been to and should know how to get back to where I am then some new location I may have never been to and using the map to try to find where I died WoW style. Honetly I was hopeing for a more UO system where you just became a ghost when you dies and had to find a way to get a res from a shine or kind healer. Made palying a healer much more satisfying.

Posts made by Xanowrath
RE: Roadmap To Alpha 2 - Test 3
RE: Alpha 1 Map & Pledge Integration
Yea update! Was getting a bit worried there.
RE: Poll to assess the percent of players per race
Starting Deamon. Going for Angel.
RE: Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!
Immortal EB not sure my backer number I was the 10th Immortal. Also BAM foundry level 50.
RE: Kickstarter Update - Video Teaser #2 - Syndesia Town Building
OK this has me officially excited for this game. Kickstarter take my money!
RE: Shamelessly completing my first forum quest
Just finished my comment quest so, thanks
RE: What unusual weapon types would you like to see?
+1 for polearms! So underrepresented in games these days.
RE: Stance on RNG Loot Boxes
Loot boxs are so predatory. Especially in a game aimed for players under the legal gambling age.
RE: Cash Shop Items You'd [Consider] Buy
Please no loot boxs don't ruin a good thing. Cosmetics only no xp boost or extra bank space BS.
RE: Who has already maxed out their Foundation Level?
Only 4 but working on it.
Hey guys. I just heard about this game and want to get my ftied excited to. His big thing is being an alchemist in any game he plays. He loves the old UO potion thrower. Is there anything like that in Fractured?