hello? Oh wait, it has to be longer than 8 characters... guess I am done now.

Posts made by WolfiAUT
RE: Daily Message posting
RE: Development Roadmap
@Althalus Don't forget they're already half a year behind the roadmap - I'd guess a release in 2023 should be possible, worst case mid 2024.
RE: Unity has blocked SpatialOS - What's up and what it means for us
This is so sad...
... can we reunite the austrian hungarian empire?
RE: Will this game be P2W in the future?
We can only wait and see. Even if they say today, that they won't do it, it can change. Maybe they need to add something that can only be bought by real money and have a gameplay impact, to safe their company. Who knows?
Let's just hope, that this won't be the case.
Hello fellow gaaaamers,
is there any official roadmap yet? Maybe I'm just fecking blind, but I can't find anything.
Greatings from Austria
RE: Being in a forum pre alpha
Promoting ideas is always good... Now they only need to listen.
Is there any roadmap yet? The only thing I have seen was "pre alpha end 2018" which sounds like it will take them a loooong time until some playable alpha build.
RE: Hola from AO
@d0tn3t Been AO player since beta... first they fucked PvP gameplay for small groups, then they fucked the whole game.