@Vaiduoklis, to bouce off of what @OlivePit posted, unless you are determined to play a very specific build with min/maxing like I do as an archer, maxing out any particular stat isn't always smart. the game has a hard cap of 25 with stats. if you get to 27 constitution in-game, you will still have the benefit of only 25. The more the game progresses and developes, the easier it will be to gain extra stats with the 'end-game' equipment and/or enchantments. so as much as you CAN get 18 in a stat, it isn't always smart...
New players are expected to go with a more generalist build, or to stick with one of the presets and not mess with the stats at all. Both the Gladiator preset and the Mage preset don't have any stat below 10, meaning players will start with no nerfs at all, from having too few stats, if they do stick to them to begin with. starting with either 5 14's and 1 10 stat or 4 13's and 2 14's is about as generalist as you can get. If you really want to be able to play as literally anything, set all your stats to 13 and choose 2 to upgrade to 14 or 1 to upgrade to 15