Daily post.

Posts made by thudaron
RE: Żyjecie tu?
Zaglądamy ^^ Poczekałbym chociaż na testy, żeby rzeczywiście zobaczyć jak to z tym polskim community we Fractured będzie.
RE: Is the skill info
The skill system will be different from the one in the PoE. Here you will acquire skills through various activities, not lvling up/grinding. You will have a pool of skills you can choose from and make your own build. There probably will be meta builds like in most mmo games but it depends on how well devs will balance it.
RE: Youtuber love
It's nice people keep promoting Fractured on their yt channels. It's top1 on my anticipated list as well ^^
RE: A set of questions and suggestions/proposals.
For the questions:
- All weapons/skills can be used/acquired by anyone, regardless of race. I don't think we know what weapons there will be exactly(few were shown in the video about skills, but I don't remember which ones), but we can guess that axes, swords, maces and generally the basic ones will be there.
- I'm not sure about that one.
- Yeah, in PvP zones it's full loot, so everything. There are a lot of safe zones tho, escpecially on Arboreus.
- We know about tailoring, alchemy, pottery and fishing(if we hit the kickstarter goal).
- There will be quests for increasing reputation with certain gods.
RE: Pre-Alpha Cape
I'm fine with some unique cosmetic for the pre-alpha players, dye would be really cool.