Shields Up boosts the resistances and the block chance of worn shields by a certain percentage of the allies around you.
I'm guessing the resistances buff applies to summons too but not the block chance?
But what about Skeleton Knight, since it technically carries a shield?
Also does Skeleton Knight have an innate block chance?

Posts made by Thieuke
Shields Up
I'm a solo player and I haven't done any Legends before but I got a quest to kill Tremora.
How does it work exactly?
I've seen on the wiki that there are waves, so if I summon her is she spawned in addition to the waves or is it wave 1, wave 2 and so on and as the last one Tremora?
Are the waves timed (forcing you to kill a wave off within a limited time) or does the next one only spawn when the previous one has been completely killed?
Also, I need the kill for the quest, I'm pretty sure I can't solo her but if I can get a few hits in and somebody else kills her, does it still complete my quest? Even if I die in the process? -
RE: So I made a reagent calculator using ChatGPT.
Hi there, thanks for the effort you put in this.
I would like to use this, but I have no idea how. I'm horrible with anything IT related
Could you advise me how I can use this imbuement calculator? -
Summon Stats
Are summon stats capped like character stats are?
For instance critical chance is capped at 25% but my fire dragonling gets 27% crit from being summoned with 3 hunting proficiency and 71% spiritual power. Since I have 7 more proficiency to go it'll be even higher in the future. Is that extra a waste?
Same goes for accuracy, willpower and fortitude. Especially with dragonlings they surpass the cap.Also @Prometheus is there a possibility to see more in debt stats of summons such as critical rate, crit damage, physical/magical power, movement speed, armor penetration,... (basically all stats like for our characters)? If possible the base ones while they are unsummoned and then with proficiency bonusses added once they are summoned.
Thanks in advance
RE: Mana cost reduction
Just checked it.
You are right, Orichalcum set provides 15% mana cost reduction.
So with 3 imbues that makes 60%
Thanks -
Mana cost reduction
So Mana cost reduction is capped at 60%
But I wonder if it possible to get that?
Tier 3 imbues give 15%, placing one on your weapon, necklace and shield would make it 45% and wearing the scholar set gives another 12% making a total of 57%.
I know those 3% won't make a difference but I'm still curious how to get them.
Besides, this only works if you play a mage with one handed weapon and shield, if you use a mage staff you lose one imbue. -
RE: Free Play Extended & Summer Roadmap
About Crafting Orders, will only the citizens of that city be able to fulfill them or anyone who passes through that city?
RE: Free Play Extended & Summer Roadmap
@Prometheus Thank you for the clarification.
I know there will be a dedicated post about artifacts later, but I am really curious about it.
Just to lift the tip of the veil, could you tell me if there is an "of the Summoner" suffix that could ad one more summon slot? Or other suffixes that influence summons? -
RE: Free Play Extended & Summer Roadmap
Hi There,
About Artifacts, will the suffixes be random or will we be able to choose which ones we put on which piece of equipment?
An "Axe of Wisdom" seems fairly useless if they are random.Also, are there plans to implement rings and necklaces with gems?
RE: Summoning Feedback
Me again.
Another quick question.
I saw you used Burning pillar in your 'not a guide' with summons.
According to the wiki Burning pillar deals friendly fire damage, did you notice it hurting your summons too? -
Cooldown reduction
So I know CDR is capped at 40%.
And I can get there with 20 DEX (=10%) + 8% total from talents + 12% total from imbues and 10% from staff of mending.
But does the Primordial essence passive of Erwydra (=10% CDR at 60% filled gauge) stack above the 40% cap?
Also does the Master sorcerer talent (10% CDR for ults) stack with the cap and the above passive?I currently don't have the resources for the staff and the imbues to test it out myself.
RE: Summoning Feedback
I'll tinker around a bit with them this evening trying to figure it out.
I'm looking forward to seeing your updates on tour "non-guide" of the Druid you're writing.
RE: Summoning Feedback
Okay, thanks again.
To bad for the totem nerf.It's going to be fun figuring out which summons to combine and what other skills to use too.
In your opinion, which is the better tank: Bear, Sproutling of Centurion?
Also, are the Primelings worth it? Do they build up elemental stacks quickly enough (if they are the only source of stacks)? -
RE: Summoning Feedback
Okay, thanks a lot for the quick reply.
Did Totems get nerfed stat wise that you know? Because I used them as meatshield before the summon patch and they did a fairly good job (against ogres, dragonlings and weaker mobs at least). Admitted it was with the 60% increase from summoner talent.
Currently, Skeleton Archers are the only ranged summon, right? (Apart from Totems)
Final question, are summon slots separate or are they incorporated in your 8 slot skill bar?
RE: Summoning Feedback
Hey there,
I've played the game before on and off but haven't played since summons came out so haven't tested it yet (was waiting for new server to go live).
But I have some curiosity questions1)What is the maximum number of summon slots you can have (with talents and such)?
2)Can you have multiple of the same summon out (like 3 wolves or a totem and 2 wolves)?
3)Are Totems still limited to one in total (like can you have a fire and poison out at the same time)? If yes, can their areas overlap?
4)Can totems be healed?
5)When you heal an undead summon does it heal them or damage them (them being undead and some restoration spells dealing damage to undead mobs)?
6)When you heal summons does it trigger the cleric set and/or the Healing Conversion and Life Shield talents?
7)When you have summons out, are you considered a party leader for the Righteous Commander/Heroic Endurance and Inspiring Commander/Heroic Resolve Talents?
8)Summons reserve mana like sustained abilities, are they considered sustained abilities? Do they benefit from the Concentration and Abiding focus Talents?
That's it for now, anyway thanks for having read till now and hopefully you can help me get some clarity on this.
I've been looking forward to summons since development and can't wait to walk around with my army of minions. -
Hi there,
Just found out about this game and I have been reading a lot on the wiki.
I must say, it's been a while since I've been this hyped about a game. I hope it gets released soon.
Looking forward to discovering this new world with you all. ^^