@mario039 Welcome to the forum!

Posts made by Tajger
RE: Jacenson
"why you tell them our little secret about teleporting?" -
RE: Fractured copia Albiona ?
Nie gra艂em jeszcze, ale zauwa偶y艂em na razie takie r贸偶nice na podstawie artyku艂贸w czy filmik贸w na youtubie:
- Nie ma typowego grindowania
- Buduj膮 gr臋 na nowoczesnym i stabilnym sofcie (SpatialOS). Nawet kilkadziesi膮t tysi臋cy graczy mo偶e spokojnie gra膰 bez lag贸w. A jak b臋dzie w praktyce to nie wiadomo.
- System nauczania 8 skill贸w oparty na ability leveling.
- Horizontal progression (ability leveling), a nie vertical jak w wi臋kszo艣ci MMO.
- 3 rasy / 3 planety
- System karmy, wi臋zienia, zm臋czenia, g艂odu
- Immune system
- Dynamiczny 艣wiat
RE: Jacenson
Znaj膮c polskie community, to na becie pewnie przyb臋dzie masa graczy. Z tego co widz臋, to jest troch臋 Polak贸w, ale du偶o ich jest w zagranicznych gildiach. -
RE: Forum bug - create topic with utf8 latin extended characters
@Specter What a pity that this 'escape' mechanism cannot be turned off in new tab. Probably, this can be also a security issue that they have to escape characters. In this case, I'll keep that in mind, and not create new threads with non-English characters.
Forum bug - create topic with utf8 latin extended characters
Hi guys!
I'm on the forum since yesterday and I noticed a bug related to topic titles that have special characters (utf8 latin extended).
When entering a given thread, everything works perfectly. But if I want to open the given thread in a new window (so called target _blank), the thread will not open. Url is misinterpreted and characters are escaped when they shouldn't be. The url should be the same whenever if I open it in new tab or copy the link and paste in the new tab.This problem affects every language on this forum (which has no characters other than ASCII), mostly except English.
Languages: German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian or French will not open urls with special characters in the title in a new window.I have just created my first welcome post in the Polish section of the forum. It contains Polish characters.
Try opening it directly by clicking on the link, and then opening it in a new tab, or pasting it to a new tab.https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/13989/cze艣膰-dawajcie-na-piwko
~~ Cze艣膰! Dawajcie na piwko! ~~
Siema wszystkim!
Tu Tajger. Gra艂em przez wiele lat w Albion Online (od alphy od 2013 roku). Rok p贸藕niej za艂o偶yli艣my gildi臋. Przez tamten czas prowadzi艂em najwi臋ksz膮 i najbardziej rozpoznawaln膮 polsk膮 gildi臋 Gentlemen, kt贸ra by艂a bardzo wysoko w rankingach i rywalizowa艂a z TOP gildiami. Uda艂o si臋 tego dokona膰 ze 艣wietnymi lud藕mi, kt贸rzy w艂o偶yli ogrom pracy. Niestety, kilka lat temu zawiedli艣my si臋 gr膮, oraz kilkoma innymi aspektami i powoli przestali艣my gra膰.
Po 3 latach przerwy od gier postanowi艂em da膰 sobie jeszcze jedn膮 szans臋, 偶eby pogra膰 w co艣 naprawd臋 konkretnego. Dlatego pojawi艂em si臋 tutaj.
Tym razem ju偶 nie jako guild master, ale jako zwyk艂y gracz, kt贸ry chce si臋 dobrze bawi膰. Do tego chcia艂bym do艂膮czy膰 do jakiej艣 gildii, kt贸ra ma jakie艣 cele i aspiracje.
Bardzo szanuj臋 to, jak ambitni s膮 tw贸rcy i za wszelk膮 cen臋 chc膮 stworzy膰 dobry produkt w tak naprawd臋 kilka os贸b. Szczerze, widz臋 potencja艂 w tej grze, a esencj膮 chyba jest vertical progression, dynamic mmo oraz brak typowego grindu. Domniemam, 偶e dzi臋ki temu b臋dzie to czysty fun, a nie monotonna orka, a gra sama w sobie raczej d艂ugofalowo nie rozczaruje.
Powoli zaczynam te偶 odkrywa膰 te wszystkie ciekawostki i informacje zwi膮zane z Fractured. Jest tego sporo, a najlepiej by艂oby wej艣膰 do gry i zacz膮膰 testowa膰. Tak wi臋c, je艣li ma kto艣 jaki艣 kluczyk na zbyciu, to przygarn膮艂bym jeden.
ps Mam pewne plany odno艣nie Fractured, ale podziel臋 si臋 nimi z wami w przysz艂o艣ci.
RE: New inhabitant ~~ Hello everyone!
@GreatValdus thanks for the information. I definitely do this as you are saying. Perhaps, there is still somebody who has one more spare key.
RE: New inhabitant ~~ Hello everyone!
@Gxnqe I've never played UO, but I've heard good reviews about it. I grew up on the Tibia.
New inhabitant ~~ Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
I am Tajger (tiger). I used to play in Albion Online for many years since alpha. I led the biggest and most recognized Polish guild Gentlemen, which was very high in rankings. Unfortunately, a few years ago we got disappointed with the game, and some other aspects, and we stopped playing.
That is why I am here. I really respect how ambitious the developers are and want to create an amazing product at all costs. I see potential in this game and I want to give myself another chance to play a game that doesn't disappoint me. This time, no longer as a guild master but as a regular player who wants to have fun.
I'm also slowly starting to discover all the interesting facts and information related to fractured. There is a lot of it, but I take my time. Also for sure, there will be some players coming with me, but time will tell.
It would be nice to get some alpha keys and start testing the game and sharing feedback.
If you guys have any easy ways to do that let me know.