A failed experiment from a Blood Demon that escaped, mutated and evolved... it takes the form of a swarm that hovers around portals, gateways and stargates, siphoning off the spatial and temporal magical energies within to transfer the blood of any approaching mammal to the Queen of the brood. The swarm is a decoy, only comprised of workers, and will remain a danger as long as the Queen isn't dealt with - but a swarm appearing is a pretty good indication that a portal or gateway will also appear!

Best posts made by Syllah
RE: If you could design an animal...
Forum to Website
Well met!
I was wondering if it was normal that I couldn't find a way to go from the forums to the website? Or perhaps I'm just blind - in any case, I would appreciate not having to switch between urls every time!
Thank you in advance
RE: Race Evolutions Sugestion.
Unpopular opinion perhaps, but I think that while trends can be helpful, each project should still always be considered and assessed on its own merits. The goals in Fractured are reasonable, the technology behind them sensibly accounted for, and the concepts appealing to a specific niche that is likely to have a stable income on the market to dedicate to a project that will appeal both to their nostalgia and desire for innovation. I do not, from the information we currently possess, see a reason to have any major concerns.
Forum issue - Profile picture upload
Hello again!
I would like to signal a slight issue with profile picture changes. When going to edit your profile to change your picture, uploading a new picture and saving it does not work and does not replace your old picture - you see your new picture for a few seconds before it reverts to the old picture. In order to fully change your profile picture, you have to remove all uploaded pictures, save changes at the bottom of the page, then upload a new picture and save changes again.
I'm aware that might not be fully a bug, but it's certainly an odd behaviour that took some amount of time to work out, especially since the save changes button is not particularly eye-catching. You have to know the steps of the procedure to get it right!
P.S.: Again, I hope this has not been brought up before, without a report/support section of the forums it can be hard to browse for already reported issues!
RE: Happy Canada Day!
Time to pour myself the maple syrup bath I've always dreamt of!
Support/Bug/Typos Forum
Apologies for posting so shortly after my last forum thread, but I thought this warranted opening a new discussion.
First of all, I noticed that in the Limited Pledges, what I presume to be the Aristocrat pledge has a typo in the title, as you can see:
Unless it's an inside joke with the community? I sincerely hope I'm not reporting something that is already known.Nevertheless, this led me to searching for a forum category where I could report this - and I discovered that there is no support area in the forums. Is this perhaps planned for the future? Or am I missing a way to report issues on the website to the team? I'm interested in knowing!
Thank you in advance for your answer(s).
RE: [VDR] Vandiir: Who we are and who we aim to be
Thank you, and what an amazing post!
RE: Forum to Website
They are two separate websites, which is very interesting for stress purposes - if service to the forums is interrupted, it's likely that the main website would still be up and vice-versa (depending on what is hosted where). It also gives them greater flexibility.
However, the integration between the two in terms of navigating back and forth could be improved as it stands now. Navigation around websites - and websites in general - should always be constructed to be as intuitive as possible. I can understand that this isn't high priority right now, though! I'm personally happy enough to have been given an answer as to what hoops you need to jump through to get where you want to.
Thank you all for answering me on that -
RE: Forum to Website
Mmh, often there's a big "home" button somewhere that takes you back to the main site
RE: Stretch Goals
So far, the Fractured team has impressed me with their realistic and measured approach to goal implementation. I think that regardless of whether they add in stretch goals for release, or for things to look forward to eventually, they have a minimal risk of dipping into feature creep. Honestly, I would personally like small, achievable stretch goals, even cosmetic ones just for the simple pleasure of seeing the achievement bar creep forward and the milestone celebration - but that's just me!
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 31, 2019
Amazing! I'm really digging the mage armour, especially the female version – it looks stylish and classy.
RE: Forum to Website
Thank you muchly for the pro-tips! It definitely wasn't obvious at first glance, or maybe I'm losing my touch ^^
RE: Int, is the most important crafting stat!
I would actually be more interested in crafting being dependent on player skill as opposed to stats - either in the way you find the correct ingredients or in how you assemble them. I think that's what the philosophy is with having static stats so that anybody can jump in and you're able to play based on your skill level as a player, not based on how long you've been accumulating upgrade through playtime.
RE: [VDR] Vandiir: Who we are and who we aim to be
We welcome collaboration efforts and challenges equally steadfastly
RE: Forums not tracking some quests between profile for older members
I don't believe Dr. Quick's account is new - he was pointing out precisely that newer accounts have tracked everything properly. Good to know that your old account works, though! Perhaps this could be investigated, it does look like a bug ^^
RE: Rhykker Mention of "Pay for Convenience"
I think this discussion is very important to have, but somewhat premature at this point.
First of all, pay to win / pay for convenience / pay for play — all can have multiple definitions and consequences in different contexts. This is highly dependent on the specific systems in place within the game, as well as how player goals are defined.
Second, it is also a function of the dev team's finances, financial model, and expenses, as well as company policy. How much resources are going to be spent balancing the game? Is there a higher focus on customer service, which has different costs and meshes better with more individual-oriented systems?
In short, we can speculate and put forward opinions based on existing game experiences and company models, but I think ultimately what we need is to keep a very close eye on what's happening inside and around Fractured and keep up a running analysis of that as the baseline.