@muker don’t wory and take a divine quest to become a angel and escape from hell

Posts made by suruq
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
@muker you can just say copper is the basic currency and the others ores (not raffined) have specific value, set by player and market bid, like in the real world
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
@muker said in [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?:
melting ore
that sound like a great idea to make the mining very interessting
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
@cinnao we don’t know and that why we are dabating
but if there is already a system, @Prometheus can you explain us? -
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
@muker I think yes, it logical for a sandbox fully regulated by players. if not, that means the system will create resource trough the carpenter
RE: free VIP
by "update" you mean the 2 years will restart at each phase?
free VIP
In the KS there is free VIP and free Carpenter, let's suppose I have 2 years for free. this 2 years will start at the begin of the alpha 1 and will finish somewhere around the release or it starts at the release?
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
yes there is different type of transport cart from a little handcart to bigger cart as say @Prometheus here and elsewhere
RE: In- Game Currency / Resource Rules?
you can read this as a "Terms of service" : https://fracturedmmo.com/terms-of-service/
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
i’ll do that as soon as possible
@Specter can you move this thread to general discussions? thanks -
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
Anyway, why not using this thread to discuss about the currency? his name, alternative sytem....
RE: Racial Diversity of Fractured Visualized
Demon #1
seriously that great to see that the community is well spread between the 3 races. -
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
oooow you talk about a alternative and community sytem !? i tought you talk about a system that replace the standar money system
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
I still don’t agree with that for a simple reason :
Let’s say you’re the Governors of a City and you’ve just built a marketplace or so.
how do you manage to accept different ressources to pay a single sale order -
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
I don’t Like this system because if you want buy something to another sphere than yours, you’ll have the wrong ressource to exchange.
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
@muker You’re probably right
*serching a name* -
RE: [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
Yes i think so but what Name will have this currency ? Juste gold/silver or a fantasy/lore name ? Is there 3 different currency for each planet ?
[Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?
in this thread you can talk about the in-game currency.
that can be name idea, alternative system or amelioration. -
RE: Joignez "Les Enfants de Babilis" [FR]
Démon orienté pvp et boucherie.
Après avoir pas mal joué à Albion online j’aimerais rejoindre les enfant de babilis
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