I remember I saw something like "wild rye" but it does not seem to show up in the wiki.
Posts made by stkmro
RE: List of Small Plants 52/57 - can you add anymore to it?
RE: List of Small Plants 52/57 - can you add anymore to it?
I looked at the wiki and this is what I have found. Hope this helps.
RE: F2P Tutorial Model - Settings to reduce abuse
I would prefer a F2P trial account to be something like:
- cannot allocate more than 3 points in any talent node (this means the player can only use the inner part of the talent tree and prevents the player from using the middle and outer circle of the talent tree.)
- cannot claim plot.
- cannot claim city.
- cannot be invited as part of the 20 settlers for claiming a city.
- can only use fleshing beams and cannot use any crafting stations.
- can build campfire but cannot build any other items like wagon and handcart.
- cannot trade with any player. (prevent item exchange)
- cannot use market place. (prevent item exchange)
- cannot join city as citizen.
- cannot join guild.
- cannot create guild.
- cannot gain access right to friend or co-owner to any plot, crafting station, chest, handcart and wagon. (prevent item exchange)
- cannot join party.
- cannot create party.
- cannot change alignment.
- cannot pull wagons.
- cannot pull handcarts.
- cannot attack any other player. (prevent looting and item exchange)
- cannot be attacked by another other player. (prevent looting and item exchange)
- cannot participate in raids and sieges.
- cannot use Legends altar.
- cannot chat in-game (prevent spamming and rmt advertising)
The purpose of trial account is to let the prospective customer to try out the game in a limited fashion before committing to the purchase.
The reasons for all these restrictions are to prevent the trial accounts from impacting the economy. In this way, this will:
- create deterrence to botting and rmt.
- limit trial accounts to using only primitive weapons, common clothes armor and hide armor.
- prevent trial accounts from imbuing and enchanting items.
- prevent trial accounts from getting too powerful in pve and competing for farming spots with other players.
- prevent players from using trial accounts for griefing other players.
- prevent trial accounts from creating influx of resources to cause imbalance to the economy.
- prevent abuse of creation of F2P accounts for claiming plots and cities.
- prevent items and gold from exchanging back and forth between F2P accounts and other players.
RE: Provide incentives for pvp players to go neutral instead of going red
Syndesia Aerhen is super busy, super flooded with players. All cities spots have been fully claimed.
Provide incentives for pvp players to go neutral instead of going red
Right now, I have observed that many pvp players saying that there are not enough opportunities to engage in pvp experiences. Hence some pvp players feel that they have to go red in order to have more pvp opportunities.
Should the dev provide more incentives for players to go neutral? Example, make it such that only neutral players can receive divine rewards, and good and red players cannot receive divine rewards.
This will create a situation where end game players will have incentives to play neutral. This will increase higher amount of pvp opportunities for pvp players.
In this way, Aerhen pvp players will not feel that they need to go red in order have more pvp fights. In the same way, this will provide opportunities for Terra players to engage in pvp experiences if they choose to go neutral. Of course if Terra players do not wish to engage in non-consensual pvp experiences, they have the option to stay good and they will never be attacked by other players. This provides a win win situation for both pve and pvp players.
Another thing I wish to add is that does it make sense for School Proficiency to stay forever at level 10? I mean... T2 gear with T2 imbue have durability system such that players need to keep farming in order to stay at end game level. Should the dev introduce durability system for School Proficiency? The more a player use an ability of a certain school, the more the corresponding School Proficiency will start to decay. This will keep the game from stagnation and encourage players to keep farming orbs to maintain their characters at end game level. Do the players feel that this will be a workable system?
PSA: If you encounter "network connection issues" when playing Fractured, use ExitLag to resolve the issue.
PSA: If you encounter "network connection issues" when playing Fractured, use ExitLag to resolve the issue. In the past, using VPN to connect to Montreal or Toronto might help to solve the problem. But now, VPN might not work anymore and the best solution is ExitLag.
regarding naked reds or naked pvpers
I feel like that for pvp, there should be a permanent debuff -50% damage if a player is missing the corresponding gear in the helmet, glove, body, boots slot. It doesn't make sense to see so many reds running around fighting naked. Perhaps this is something the dev should look into. Most of us are here in this game to play long term, hence the mechanics should be properly ironed out.
Making a permanent debuff for naked pvpers will also help in the mechanics when next time the "School of Martial Arts" is released by the dev. It is said in the wiki that users of Martial Arts have developed several techniques to strengthen their bodies, allowing them to compete with heavily armed (and armored) opponents. So this means that all the spells in Martial Arts are going to complement naked pvpers even more. Doesn't make sense to me at all.
Let me copy and paste what is in the wiki here:----
The school of Martial Arts includes a set of fighting techniques typically adopted in unarmed combat.
Martial Arts abilities are close-combat, quick-blocking and counter-attack maneuvers that take advantage of the strength of the opponent to catch it off-guard and land critical hits. Most of the abilities in this group require a high degree of mobility from the fighter, which forces it to wear light to medium armor sets. To overcome this lack of protection, the users of Martial Arts have developed several techniques to strengthen their bodies, allowing them to compete with heavily armed (and armored) opponents.
The power of most abilities belonging to this school depends on the Dexterity and Strength of the fighter.
RE: 1300 ms and unable to play
@currycrab said in 1300 ms and unable to play:
i am having 1300 ms and unable to play this game.
It is not my connection issue as I can easily play other games. I dont wish to name other games out as I dont intend to advertise.
I am from Asia / Singapore
There are a number of people facing this unusual situation. In the past, subscribing to a paid vpn and connecting to Montreal or Toronto will solve the problem. Now this might not even work. The latest solution is to buy an ExitLag subscription. This will have a 99% chance to solve the problem.
RE: Arborean PvE loot rules
@spoletta said in Arborean PvE loot rules:
Depends on the hp of the mob.
1000 hp and lower you need to inflict more than half of its hp.
Between 1000 and 3000, you are eligible if you inflict at least 25%.
3000-5000, 20%
5000-10000, 15%
More than 10.000, 10%I should put this stuff on the wiki, but I'm not sure on which page it goes.
There is a page on wiki called "loot". Maybe you can put it there:
https://fractured.wiki.gg/wiki/Loot -
RE: Arborean PvE loot rules
@spoletta said in Arborean PvE loot rules:
The current system is that there is a damage threshold you have to reach in order to be eligible to loot.
What's the damage threshold?
RE: Arborean PvE loot rules
All along, I always have the impression that if a player hit the mob first, no one can steal the mob from the player.
Example, player A (weaker player with low damage) sees a mob and hit the mob first.
Player B (very strong player with high damage) passes by the area, sees the fighting between player A and mob, decides to also attack the mob.
Player B has very high damage and finishes the mob with 70% of total damage versus player A's 30% of total damage.
The loot still belongs to player A. Is that the current game mechanics? -
RE: Let's talk about recipes
@OlivePit said in Let's talk about recipes:
I am in favor of the high effort solution.
The orb system is perfect model to adapt recipe system to.
It gives long term meaning to recipies, gives niche crafters a place to shine, reduces item spam from grinding for rank, makes entry easy enough that players cant complain much.
Have recipes drop more often in chests and this could work fine.I see a highly valuable suggestion here by OlivePit. Yes, it might be really a good idea for the recipe system to model on the orb system.
- Remove the bonus of primitive crafting on the higher tier items.
- Everyone can craft higher tier items but the durability of the item will be only be 100 points.
- Every increase of orb level in the corresponding crafting will increase the durability by 100 points.
- To increase orb level in the corresponding crafting, you need to consume the corresponding recipe.
- Hence if a player wants to level his/her scimitar crafting to level 10, he/she needs to consume a total of 68 scimitar recipes. The durability of a crafted level 10 scimitar will be 1100 points.
- This will immediately solve point 1 and point 2 as mentioned by Spoletta. Recipes have a good purpose other than the outdated one-time recipe use model. This will also encourage the trade between players for recipes.
- This will also solve point 3. No more trying to max out crafting experience of T1 gear so that you can get bonus on durability of T2 gear. No more trying to do mass crafting of items to reach max durability.
RE: Let's talk about recipes
I really like the details and discussion of this thread that Spoletta has written. He has made many interesting points and this has inspired me to contribute my suggestions.
I would prefer that the dev removes the recipes completely. Just gate all the crafting of T2 gear behind reagents and materials. This will immediately solve point 1 and point 2 as mentioned by Spoletta. No more hoarding of recipes. This will also encourage the trade between players for reagents and materials.
I would also prefer that the experience of T1 gear can only increase the durability of the T1 gear and this should not have any bonus on the durability of T2 gear. Make it such that every crafting of a gear will give only marginal increase in experience in one crafting at a time and every crafting will only improve the durability by 1 point per item crafted. RNG can also be introduced in determining whether experience can be increased when crafting a gear. For example, there is 50% chance that experience might not increase when an item is crafted. The dev can also make it such that as your crafting experience is higher, the lower the chance you will get an increase in experience each time you craft a gear. This will solve point 3. No more trying to max out crafting experience of T1 gear so that you can get bonus on durability of T2 gear. No more trying to do mass crafting of items to reach max durability.
Point 4 will be solved automatically since recipes are removed from the game.
Maybe the dev can introduce a command line tool for players to unstuck themselves
Every now and then, we heard various players said that they have got stuck on a map, either in a river, or rocky terrain, or being knocked by the mobs into a structure and got trapped inside.
Maybe the dev can introduce a command line tool like /unstuck which gives you five seconds to choose a location (within line of sight) to click on to teleport.
To prevent abuse, the teleport will take 10 seconds for you to teleport to the location and you will be able to receive any forms of damage during this period.
Also, you will die every time when you teleport to the new location. This means that 15% of your health bar is greyed out every time you try to use this tool. All these make this tool useless for both pve and pvp and nobody will ever want to use this tool unless they are genuinely stuck on a terrain.
This is just an idea and perhaps other people can also contribute and think of better ideas for the dev to consider making this kind of tool.
RE: Patch Log - b.0.1d (Weather System)
Thank you for the patch notes. I look forward to playing the game
RE: Limited uses for recipes
If recipes are going to be limited use, then the recipes should be available in the cash shop.
How is a player going to play this game if they can only play one or two hours a day?
How is a person going to play if they are solo players?
Even if you are in a guild, you can only play with a group if your guild mates and friends are online and at the right time and place.
Or is the dev going to tell all casual players that they shouldn't play this game?
RE: Patch Log - b.0.1 (Bug Fixes)
Awesome! Keep up the good work! I look forward to playing after the patch!