@Sarcandosa said in Observations while testing 4-11:
Giant Spider Web ... area seems excessively large...
Well you will like it as own spell
As for visibility, i do actually like that you don't see that good, if all is spuned in.
Targeting in a wooded area makes combat as a mage problematic with the constant invalid target popups. We need to be able to either lock a target or go into combat mode that prevents harvesting and thus eliminate the invalid target error.
Yeah, this targeting was mentioned many times before.
When i was fighting 2 days ago with a friend, i always had to tell him in voice, that he should not stay in front of the Mob, since i am hardly to able to target.
Not quite sure how to prevent that problem, except to make all Creatures "click through"... but that would bring other problems to us.
What i do not want to see is a Tab-Targetting as solution.
You already allow us 16 abilities to memorize per loadout, let us utilize them.
You will not have 16 abilities to memorize most of your time, since some abilities cost even 6 Memory Points.
So you will need to decide more specific, which weapon you want to use with your Preset.
My Travel Preset uses actually 2 Weapons, that i need to switch, whenever i want to use Relocate or Enrage.
Traveling is challenging as there are so many pieces of terrain that appear are transvers able that are not. Looking at the map also does not give a clear indication in most areas that they are dead ends. The Crown Mountains area is a prime example where it seems like you can walk all the way to the north of Starleaf Dale, however you can’t, to many mild slopes you just can’t walk up or down. It appears by the map you should also be able to drop down into the Vale of Shadow from the Crown Mountains area but are stopped just short. For a game that wants you to explore, it feels entirely too restrictive at the moment.
I am agreeing, the Map could be more clear at this points. Especially at the dead ends that just give you a view to the desired Area, but no way down at this location. But on the other hand, it makes exploring way more interesting and you will face this dead end just once
As for the mild slopes... once you use Relocate in your Skillset, you will be way faster, because you can jump up and down at them.
Tool tips for items know would be a nice added feature. Be able to get a key bind that allows you to toggle a temporary label over harvestable resources in the area, making it quicker to pick only the plants you are looking for, not an essential feature, but would be a great QOL.
Hmm... i am not entirely sure, if i would like that.
The Plants all looking very different, so that you are fast able to differencing them.
A Label would make it more like a "spot the label"-click-game, than a game where you have to remember what you know.
I think it would be way more interesting to have a picture or even a 3D Model of the Plant/Reccource in our Knowledge-Book, to be able to check there what we are looking for.
We need a sprint to be able to run from enemies when needed. Burns down Fatigue quickly be an option to avoid fights, especially against fast mobs like wolves.
There are such abilities. Enrage is one of them.
And i am sure, we will get some more possibilities later on.
Wisps appear to be broken. All magic damage heals them, though fire does appear to hurt them temporarily. However they just heal back half the damage, run away then fully heal back up. Their stun ability is not resistible and hits from way too far away. Feel likes its range should be no longer than its lightning.
There are several skills that can encounter them.
Wisps are not supposed to be a starter Mob, and they are way better to fight with friends, where one people can hit down their magical shield, other can break their heals and zerg them down.
Once you get some skills from other creatures, they will be more easy to kill.
The Tutorial has you do The Adventure Begins, feel like this quest should not be given until you teach about house building and enchanting. While you can complete it without improving your character, it is extremely difficult and frustration to do so. Also put a get grouped tutorial in there.
Yeah... the Tutorial should give not just the advice to travel to Vale of Shadows, but also that you should prepare yourself before (making better equip before at an own property).
But i think here will change much in future for the tutorial, since we will get way more possibilities to start our Adventure... especially when we will have player towns all over the continent and more POIs.
Group loot or shared kill loot needs the option to divide between kill participants. FAA all the time can be abused with the person who is the fastest to click on a body getting all the money. Even if the functionality is only on money. Additionally, loot on a corpse where all the loot is not collected needs a timer that allows anyone in the world to pick it up before it disappears. Would be nice to kill an animal, not need the meat so leave it and someone coming by that does need it can pick it up if I leave it for them. Encourages teamwork.
Looting is still very confusing.
Not just that you are sometimes not valid to loot at all, i see also, that if you are on front, you maybe get all the shiny stuff, but if you are a ranged character, then you just see all the time "There is no loot".
For a group of friends easy to handle, since you can share the stuff, but hard to go with strangers if it stays like this.
Sadly i do not have any idea how to do a regulation in here, especially if it is a loose group of people who fighting with each other.
But i like the idea to open up loot, that was not picked up by people, to be available after a while to all crossing people.