@maze Hey man Thank you for the great work on the spreadsheet! Prime stuff!
As for the devs, I believe they are too busy building the game to better explain stuff at this point, so It's still a bit early for that!
@maze Hey man Thank you for the great work on the spreadsheet! Prime stuff!
As for the devs, I believe they are too busy building the game to better explain stuff at this point, so It's still a bit early for that!
That's an interesting question because I havn't noticed crits on spells but I'm sure they happen on the normal attack, both melee and magic with the staff
Wow That's a really good and interesting Idea! but I believe that knowledge influencing by increasing the drop chance is great but the 100% thing doesn't look good. @Whisper has a great point
@Whisper said in Would love to see mob loot drops tied to knowledge:
We already ignore most creatures in the game because we don't need to kill them. Right now if you see a fox/rabbit it is exciting because you might get a tail/foot and is probably one of the more sought after kills. 100% drop and they would just be another creature people ignore.
The idea of an imerssive gameplay sounds nice but we must remember that aditions taht dramaticly change gameplay may be impractical given that the game is already headed a certain way and coding it diferently may not be possible or worth it.
So the increased loot chance seems to be something easy to implement and a good midway!
@Hellstar So far we don't have much info on Angels, Liches and Abominations but they will definetly have diferent Buffs and debuffs on the diferent worlds than the normal versions.
Prometheus said in the last Q&A that these guys deserve a Q&A just for them so hopefully we will get more on that!
@Recoil said in Travelling is "complicated" to be mild:
(because not everyone has 3 hours to spare irl just to travel across the map to meet up with a friend, nor should that be expected).
@PeachMcD Hey man Great to know that! made my day! =D
@Whisper said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
I feel like the game needs the RNG a little bit. Once you got the skills and knowledge for killing a certain creature there is little to no other reason to ever touch it again. If we are allowed to choose among the choices we get then no one would ever touch the majority of creatures in the game. They would get their skills/knowledge and then farm only the very best area and pick the perfect enchant every time.
The way the system works now it would be wise to get a wide assortment of items so you can mix and match as needed. People from certain areas might even trade with people across the map for regents, and trade with people from other planets and so on. It promotes exploring the world, and trading I count that as a huge win in my book.
This effect you are talking about of estimulating people to gather reagents hunting does not depend on RNG.
Like @Roccandil put perfectly:
@Roccandil said in Enchanting table Guide - Basic Mechanics - How to:
We'll still figure out the best recipes that remove the most RNG, and farm only those ingredients. All the RNG does is increase repetition and frustration, and waste players' time.
For me, that's a huge loss.
The enchanting system looks so good I don't think it needs to rely on RNG to provide an illusion of depth and complexity. It really is complex.
As long as there is no repairing gear mechanic you will have to recreate your set from time to time and that on itself will cause people to be constantly hunting the mobs that drop the reagents they need which will be many!!!
@Mindark said in Travelling is "complicated" to be mild:
@PedroBillyMattos If you don't have 3 hours to play, don't make a trek that takes 3 hours. Do something within the constraints of the time you have.
That is just indiference twards something that is a big bummer for a lot of players. And than I understand the way you think but I firmly dissagree, especially on the following
@Mindark said in Travelling is "complicated" to be mild:
Side note: my opinion and your opinion ultimately don't matter how the devs want to build their game. They should build the game how they see fit and not be swayed by a bunch of players that don't know what they want.
Even though I believe devs should be carefull as to have some firmness and exercise leadership on the game design choices, ultimetly we are the consumers and there must be a balance in that and they should listen to the playerbase. Their goal is mostly to please the playerbase. If they don't, they fail. That's why I said If there is a majority in the playerbase that does not apreciate the lenghy travelling. they they should change it.
This is what DYnamight has to say about it:
"By being part of it[Alpha], you’ll have the unique occasion to be able to shape the foundation of the game through your feedback!"
Source: https://fracturedmmo.com/development-roadmap-from-alpha-to-release/
Like you corectly noted I'm not arguing for small maps but for shorter (not short, I said shorter) travel times, not overall movment speed, TRAVELLING speed, with mounts, ON the roads.
The key thing I want to point out in this topic is that travelling for long times is boring and this negative aspect should be heavily taken under consideration. I don't like and I'm not the only one.
On a diferent side of a diferent subject, talking about the size of the map. I don't think it's a good idea to have a huge map UNLESS it's filled with density of content in the future. The point being that a vast area of low content density is actually a bad thing.
This principle is very well discussed in this video:
Hey Sky! Welcome!
I've been following Fractured for over 1 year now. Back then it was just a promising concept. What I've witnessed of the Studio and the Devs is:
They are a small italian team, they are active on the forums, they put out roadmaps and do their best to stick to it. They have a sober aproach on what is possible and are responsible in getting to the roadmap milestones.
There's been a few delays and that normal for any development but they've aways been transparent about what was going on and what was wrong!
Very good in my opinion. I was an early pratreon and I'm very happy on what has already been delivered.
If you are considering to buy a founder pack or something like this I strongly advise you to go to the main page and read the articles on the news tab in chronologic order. Then watch the Q&A videos on the tab videos. I Garantee you'll have a good idea of what to expect!
I cant use the healing paste at all. Tryed "equiping it" on the action hotkeys bar, couldn't. tryied right clicking it from inventory and nothing. Am I doing it wrong or this a bug?
On the MM
Today whenever @Oxfurd used the fireball ability, if I used Magic missile on the mob, when the purple missile animation entered the Fireballs Flame/Cloud animation, they would get visualy messed up. I couldn`t Screen shot but I'll do my best to use photoshop to try and recreate what I saw.
it was something very close to the image above and the white square would follow the missile like a tracker on it's trajectory. As if the cloud was revealing something from the "back end" I wasn't suposed to be vizualyzing. A glitch.
The only chest I use is one on a house I'm a Co-owner. Every time I try to open it, the chest window pop up and instantly closes then I press use on it again and only on the second time the chest window stay open.
there's also a fireplace in the house and It's the only "tool" of the house I can't use. When I hover the mouse above it the cursor changes to the hand but the rest/cook options don't show up. When I click to use it nothing happens. My friend has given me access to it but it won't work.
a couple of days ago before the patches implemented I could actually lay dow but nothing else happened just the lay down animation. once a funny glitch happened in which I would move lying down, I couldn't get back up so I loogged out and back in.
@Mindark Ok so let me elaborate on what I belive would be better.
Considering Myr is only one piece of land of the Human world (there will be more) and not the whole world I think your proposal of 2-3 hours is madness, no offence. I would set that time with mounts and road speed bonus to be closer to 40min - 1h20. Ye travelling long distances should take time but travelling is also boring and many players don't have 3 hours of play time to spare just to get somewhere. Not 3 hours playing and having fun, no, 3 hours starring at the screen trying not to get killed by the mobs and navigating the map. That is important!
15 minutes walking without a mount gets you through a loooot of ground man. So i~m not talking about a small map I'm talking about adjustments on travel time
For me, from heartwood to shadows with mount and road speed bonus should bearound 15 min. You get the burden of lenghy travelling without beeing excessive. and that's my opinion.
The important question I believe is:
Is there a majority of players that thinks like me or like you?
With that answer than the devs can think about how to address this. And I believe you'll agree with me that this is an important gameplay experience issue.
I belive smaller map with good quality is better than gigantic map of emptiness. There must be a balance.
If I have a stack of 10 Spider eyes but want to saparate it in multiple stacks of lesser numbers say one stack of 3 and another of 7 I can't at the moment. Is that a bug or is this mechanic just not implented yet?
@Jimbolini @Prometheus has said on the patch notes that that is intentional. I believe it's because I could steal the lether you put in there hahahah makes sense
@r6G4596Y7G9AwD0TzJTxFSZx hahaha Hey man at this point I'm not sure if you are a troll or just a hard person to deal with.
But assuming you have good intention behind you, please allow me to give you a sugestion that whould change the way you look at factured entirely. I'm not being mean nor I want to diss you. It's a humble sugestion from the bottom of my heart.
Here you will open the main page of the game, more especificly on the oldest page of theAll news* TAB. Please read the journals. That will clarify a lot of the conception you have and don't have from the game.
Then in the videos tab if you're still interested, whatch the Q&A videos.
If you do that I GARANTEE you'll change your approach twards Fractured beacause you'll actually understand the project and it's current state wich is Alpha By the way.
Yes please!!! Very much needed!
@grofire I`d love if in the future we could have some sort of chest built into the enchanting table (maybe as an upgrade) or if we could link a chest to it to make using it easier and not having to go back and forth to the chest
and maybe something like a vertical locker with a lot more storage space. I can already see that thaere are many reagents and the number should raise considerably. Storage will be an issue. Also a vertical glass locker would give the "lab" or mage hut feel to the room hahaha maybe it could be interactive, displaying some of the items inside through the glass. Just Ideas, I know it can be hard to implement
![alt text]( https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/10306/enchanting-table-guide-basic-mechanics-how-to/2)
Level 2 enchantments require +5 ticks on all 4 elements
When multiple are higlighted the game randomly selects one
Chaos has only rabbit paw and Dandilion, but in the future we should have more reagents and that should be solved
For that and more about echanting I`ve made a guide take a look
@Kralith See! This is a PROPER reply! hahaha
great points dude! and I can see the apeal behind these arguments. I don't advocate for fast travel teleporting style but more of a balancing of travalling times. In a manner that gives this atmosphere you are mentioning without being to extreme to the point it becomes anoying that's all