Simplest way to start this is Thank you.
This community is one of the best i belong to. You have all supported me in the Q&As and so much more. If there is something i can for you let me know. If i can i will .
Simplest way to start this is Thank you.
This community is one of the best i belong to. You have all supported me in the Q&As and so much more. If there is something i can for you let me know. If i can i will .
So it has come to my attention So many of you out there are still unable to play due to not having the larger Packs. I have some Keys I'm looking to hand out to people. I was thinking of good way to give these out - I am going to be giving out keys for a story. Give us a story to read about your first encounter with the person you are now playing games with today. I'll give a small example.
I met my best Friend playing Everquest. I was a Cleric and he was a Necro. We met on a hilltop in the zone OOT. Started off joking in chat and killing mobs. Many hours later in game and now in life. We have been friends of the Best kinds in life. My kids know him as uncle J. I love how games have made such an awesome impression on my life and I'm very thankful for him and it.
Sharing is Caring.
I have noticed a tremendous amount of Toxicity in chat. Anyone seems to notice this since last test? I cant put my finger on it. Seems there were more negative tones in General chat, seems a tone of whine and annoyance. Or maybe its just people trying to give ideas but not sure how to convey it as a suggestion and not a complaint.
I would assume it is due to maybe them not knowing what phase of what is to be tested ? So talking out of turn on the process, IE complaining (suggestion) on PVP when this isn't the test on that subject. Alpha 2.3 was city planning for the main test.
Im not sure just noticed and was wondering if anyone else noticed this ?
This question is something I cover a lot in my stream. The question i redirect to answer the for mentioned question is this. Can you afford to invest into an alpha? Whats your pain point on spending your money. People will spend 50$ US for 2 movie tickets and popcorn , for only 2 hours of enjoyment.
That being said what are you willing to spend to get in on what lvl of access.
Now to really answer this question - Yes , 100%. I would invest more ( which i will be doing soon ). I will list a few of the reasons why.
Reason why -
Dev team is very evolved. ( Huge IMO )
Testing is being done in a traditional fashion ( correctly )
Alpha ( many phases to get foundations working )
Beta ( More QOL items and further tweaking of foundation items )
Community has been one of the best I have seen in a long time.
This means the "leaders" who are people taking their time to be on here helping for the sake of helping
There is huge reasons IMHO that can help make or break a game. Also many more reasons for sure.
Come visit my stream and we can talk more. I don't like to type much , but felt this was important to do so
Hello all ,
I am looking to start a guild. Accepting all people. We are going to focus on team building and helping each other. If you a soloist and want to play with yourself
I mean SOLO the world content. (don't be gross). We can be there to chat during if you need that kinda support.
Also looking for people willing to help each other in a good and bad time.
Hey all ,
I noticed below
Hunting (formerly: Marksmanship)
Hunting is typically a life skill like cooking. As where Marksmanship is a Skill like melee. Just wondering
Ha !
Last night we had a visit from the Great and Mighty Sprecter. Needless to say we fought well. Many a bunny died last night. Among other monsters. If you were wondering We are the victors for sure /flex
So as of late the world of gaming has changed from its roots?
Allow me to expand on this.
So there use to be a why games did their development. (pulled this from wiki)
*****First playable
The first playable is the game version containing representative gameplay and assets,[149] this is the first version with functional major gameplay elements.[150] It is often based on the prototype created in pre-production.[151] Alpha and first playable are sometimes used to refer to a single milestone, however large projects require first playable before feature complete alpha.[150] First playable occurs 12 to 18 months before code release. It is sometimes referred to as the "Pre-Alpha" stage.[153]
See also: Alpha release
Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished.[153] A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features.[154] These features may be further revised based on testing and feedback.[153] Additional small, new features may be added, similarly planned, but unimplemented features may be dropped.[154] Programmers focus mainly on finishing the codebase, rather than implementing additions.[152] Alpha occurs eight to ten months before code release,[153] but this can vary significantly based on the scope of content and assets any given game has.
Code freeze
Code freeze is the stage when new code is no longer added to the game and only bugs are being corrected. Code freeze occurs three to four months before code release.[153]
See also: Beta release
Beta is feature and asset complete version of the game, when only bugs are being fixed.[152][153] This version contains no bugs that prevent the game from being shippable.[152] No changes are made to the game features, assets, or code. Beta occurs two to three months before code release.[153]
Code release
Code release is the stage when many bugs are fixed and game is ready to be shipped or submitted for console manufacturer review. This version is tested against QA test plan. First code release candidate is usually ready three to four weeks before code release.[153]*****
Now a days due to early purchasable game (buy-ins), People seem to think they are getting into the game where it is or should be full content and playable. I think if someone buys into a Alpha they should/need to know whats going on and what to expect. There are a few way to get this info such as Forums, Youtube and Twitch(streaming).
I hear to many times someone says don't buy this because there isn't much to do. Well honestly this could hurt the team due to you not doing the correct research and incompetence.
So in closing please understand what you're buying-into and ask before you do.
@Razvan I dont expect the companies themselves to. I expect the consuming public to understand how things could work on the game they decided to buy.
When this isn't done it can hurt the dev team in a bad way due to their lack of research is all.
Well here we are! I'd like to get some questions for this AMA from people - Post them here or Jump on the stream early !
Opinions are like Aholes. We all have them some better then others. You can play something else if you don't like it. Why is it people feel the need to always make their opinion a fact lol. I guess the same people that play a game on steam for 5 mins and write a 5 page negative review. AWESOME ! lol
I was thinking about this last night. I would like to see them work in boats and ocean encounters. Like whaling and fishing. In time of course but I think that would be neat.
Just a thought . I don't know.
Also there are only a few Enchants as far as i know you are able to get to lvl 2 , this is due to the items picked up or dropped atm in game.
Alpha Knowledge Book
- Latest infoIs there anyway we can make a sections for the types of bugs -
QOL- Quality of Life bugs
MGI - Major Bug Issues
This would help create more of a simple forum filing system.
I mean this is ALPHA not beta so the craft all is not a #1 issue honestly. But I can see the house wall being a bigger issue sooner. There are more issues of course but i think it would also not make a mess of the other things people are attempting to do here for communications.
I honestly don't post much due to how much at times the forums turn into a cluster @#$% at times.
Just this week I was able to do a Podcast with the Legend himself Prometheus. We were able to see it from his eyes who he is and why/how he is where he is today. Was a great time hearing his story. Also i have other topics we cover take a listen Hope you all enjoy.
I am hosted on these below !
Excited for this weekend ! I hope you are all there !