Its ok guys, Im done. It seems im talking to a wall anyways.. Injustice wins again...

Posts made by Mr14taz
RE: When the Mod sides with trolls...
RE: When the Mod sides with trolls...
Yeah, stepping back is something a lot of people want to do rather than fix the issue. The issue is trolling. Ban the trolls. Dont close global. If you dont want guilds to advertise then place that rule. DONT run away from problems PEOPLE!!! Fix them!
RE: When the Mod sides with trolls...
LOL it's a shame we are talking about closing the chat and not saying stop the trolling. It is a shame we are saying dont feed the trolls when someone is trying to do positive things. Wow guys... Lets just give in to the rioting wont we? Feels like real life... Seriously???
RE: When the Mod sides with trolls...
I agree that global is the only place we can do things and thats a bad thing. Forums and other places are not effective to recruit. I would stop recruiting if we didnt get new people. This is something we do in all games. Saying we shouldnt when it isnt a rule is kinda counter-productive imo. We advertise and we get new players. There is PLENTY of other non productive spam. Yes many people troll others there while I mostly try to help.. Mods should keep their "opinions" to themselves and follow their guidelines. If we can chat in global, then we can send out ads. If we can troll others, then we can troll. As a mod, I would imagine he should stop the trolling and allow people to recruit for their guilds. Thats pretty much all Im saying.
When the Mod sides with trolls...
You may know that I recruit in game for my guild (like almost every mmo game) and a few trolls tell us not to. We space it out 5 to 10 mins apart, most of the time longer. We have recruited a handful that way. When this shouldnt be an issue, the trolls fought us on global. Then the Mod comes on saying he is tired of hearing this argument and he will disable global. Mind you, I had respect for specter until he did this immature act on global. Then he says he doesnt feel people should recruit on global, "since not many people are in the game". Not many people in game... Hmmm What could be the cause of that? Didnt I get people in guild doing ads? Is it because I post ads on global? To get people in my guild so I can help people out, teach people, have them enjoy the game more? Maybe, maybe not...
RE: More NA GOOD Aligned members needed. TOO much evil in this world!!! Come help smite evil!
Let's try this again. Anyone want in the guild, we will spawn on the west side. Come join us! See you all wed. HOPEFULLY...
RE: More NA GOOD Aligned members needed. TOO much evil in this world!!! Come help smite evil!
Bump for Alpha test phase 3!!! See you in game.
Suggestions are suggestions. How about you suggest things that aren't on the list. They will do what they want regardless of what you or I say. Please don't turn this into an argument thread. If you disagree cool.
Many people want a hearth (teleport) back to home implements. You don't, cool.
Guilds can have a bonus if the devs want them to have it. I suggested it because many games didn't do it right. I just put in my 2 cents.
This isn't D&D but D&D has this (sorta). This will help people from picking spear all the time if that's the meta.
Not sure what you mean on roleplay. That has nothing to do with my suggestion.
The aura is to help people around them if grouped. Maybe limit the buff to 4 others or something like that. Inspire is in the game. I suggested something similar for guild leaders. Not all will be in guilds so you'll have PLENTY to fight against. Even people in guilds!!!
Hey you can have the last comment. Go ahead but I wont go back and forth. I suggested, you decided to post about the things you don't like (and not the ones you did) and I defended once and that's all Ill do. They are SUGGESTIONS.
Have a good one.
Hey thanks for expanding on it. Good post! I mentioned your #3 but it may not have been worded correctly. I have a couple more:
Totems: Don't make them targetable by players unless in pvp mode.. Also don't allow them to target other totems.
Change getting credit for kills from damage to damage, healing or taking damage. Give some love to our tanks and healers when they are a thing.
When equipping a shield on a 2nd or 3rd weapon set in your character sheet, we cannot cast spells. Please allow us to if we are not wielding it.
Also, sorry that I didn't organize this in sections. I just think of the idea and type it here. I'm glad I can right click and correct misspelled words or this would be an even BIGGER MESS! hehe
A few more... Again, ALL IN MY OPINION!!!
Make sure houses kill the aggression from mobs outside the walls. Also don't let them spawn in houses. Make sure they cant go through doors and walls.
Add a crit bonus for Mages. You can lower their base damage but add this crit bonus since they don't have one from spells. (that I've seen so far).
Add spell damage on character screen. It's currently not on the list.
Add auto run!
Remove or drastically slow down food/energy/health decay while in your own home.
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Create a SIMPLE rock-paper-scissors for pvp with weapons. Example: Hammer and mace 50% more damage to plate armor. Slash 50% more damage to cloth armor. Piercing 50% more damage to leathers. Then do something similar with magics. Ice to plate, fire to cloth and electric to leather. (bonus damage is applied if at least 1 piece is worn.) Talent tree should give bonuses to your preferred weapon, armor, etc. so if you carry all 3 types, you can be strong in one or average on all 3. Figure out magic...
Speaking of magic...
Change magic damage type to arcane damage. Since all elements are under the "magic" category.
I know this will be a touchy one but allow all races to be created at start. If someone wants to turn, they can but don't MAKE people choose an evil or good side to HAVE to switch. Let them switch if they want to. Also change the skin for Angels... Its HORRIBLE. Make them more majestic and not a demon in a halo... I know this will spark up a convo but so be it.
Create pvp arenas in towns. Anyone moving into them is flagged automatically. make them HUGE with objects. Add them to player town "buildings".
I mentioned guild perks in last post but I wanted to make sure I add something. Please don't make these perks universal for everyone that joins a guild. Make them have to earn it with their new guild with a guild experience bar. The guild can have a lvl but people that join that DIDNT participate shouldn't get all the perks. They should have to contribute as well. Once they reach the levels required for the perk, they get it. If they leave the guild, they lose that experience and start over in their new guild.
Guild quests
Slight bonus for grouping with guild if within a certain range. (pve only)
Light aura bonus to guild leaders for their members if within a certain range. Maybe 3 more for officers? Something in the realm of this imagination. hehe... Leaders don't get the bonus but their members do.
Add timer to global chat so people don't spam in it. Expand local chat radius or add town chat.
Scroll us out a little bit so we can see off screen mobs that are attacking us or reduce their aggression range.
Hire moderators (pay them with in game currency if you don't have the money) or minimum wage for the state that they are in so we can get some order in the game unlike MOST mmos.
VERY IMPORTANT: Cash shop should be for skins. Have the community create artwork, hold contests and award the winners with all the skins available, lifetime membership, yada yada yada… DO NOT make the cash shop items expensive. Have a lot to choose from and make them $5 or LESS for each!!! Don't gouge people. Be different. If I saw some very cool heavenly skins for my mounts, house, character and so on, I would buy them IF it wasn't going to cost me $30 for a fricking mount skin ALONE! Let the little people (I'm included in that) have the opportunity to get some customized skins. It will go a long way with the community.
Get some funding and hire more developers. This can be an incredible game just like most games out there but if you continue to expand on this idea, man... It is VERY unique and I realllllly wish you the best. This is why I am putting time into this. I usually don't do this but I want to help if I can. I am sure Ill have more. Ill post if I do.
I'm not sure where to post them so I did it here.
Add raid NPCs that swarm a certain RANDOMIZED area that attacks towns. I'm sure people will announce it on chat or just add a notification in the middle of the screen.
Allow us to get our own loot. Or... Add in loot rules for party such as need/greed or rotate loot systems
Add player locations for party members on both map and mini map.
Change the compass so north is UP and south is DOWN. It is so confusing atm for people to learn this for finding others on the map. TRUST ME.. I've had many groups and everyone gets lost.
Disable looting when in battle so trees don't get in the way when trying to target something. OR... Change the layering of items on screen to prioritize things other than trees.
Add a return to Home or City (our choice) option. Cooldown can be an hour, day or whatever just add one.
Add light armor to normal craftable table. (change craft able to craftable in here...)
Change Tanning so they give better stats (buff) to ALL types of leather not just giving us Light Armor.
Add a lot more head armors. Warg, Direwolf, Shaman, and so on with their resistance like Fire for Shaman and so on...
Have a few skills or spells in EACH of the named areas on the map so we can travel to all locations for a reason. Can separate reagents like this as well. Do this when fast travel is implemented.
Add caravans, mules and so on to haul items from town to town (reagents gear and so on to sell to other towns (pvp flagged).
Randomize World Boss spawns throughout the map with T3 reagents.
Add more features for Guilds like a leveling up within the guild to get more perks systems. I have MANY ideas on this so ask if you like to know.
Add last time online in guild list to keep guild members list active.
Add invite player through guild list.
Add commands like /invite or make people's name clickable with options like friend, invite to group and invite to guild.
Create more chat tabs.
Add ignore player.
Add curse filter.
Limit the number difference a militia can have (no more than 25% than 2nd populated militia). OR... Give lower populated militias a bonus advantage. Same can be done with races and alignments.
Add how many are online in a certain militia or active (logged in within a week) so we know which to join.
Create a militia chat channel.
Add different bonuses (pvp only) for militias.
Create ranks or titles for militias to achieve. Appoint by vote, tribunal fight or whatever depending on the militia.
Give pvp ranks achieved by pvp exp. points that offer pvp buffs, skills or spells.
Give militia leader/s a different color font to help "command" people.
Change wisps so they can be attacked by melee. OR... Add mobs that CANT be attacked by magic. It is not fair that magic can kill everything but melee cant.
Allow us to mark the map with notes for key locations we like to remember.
Add /p /g /g to change chat to that channel and /r to reply.
Add more anti CC spells and skills.
Global cooldowns and diminishing returns for CC and crits.
Well, I'm tired of writing hehe. I can add so many more I'm sure. GREAT start and I truly hope you guys make this game great! I hope you get to see it through to completion.
RE: Enchanting Recipes
T2 Melee Damage
3 Plagued Remains
2 HoneynailT2 Melee Crit Damage (chance)
Spider Glad
2 Plagued Remains
Goblin Tongue -
RE: LFG: Alpha 2 and Beyond
Look me up! Im always looking for more friends.
RE: More NA GOOD Aligned members needed. TOO much evil in this world!!! Come help smite evil!
Yeah been playing everyday so far. I've been pretty active helping people out. Get with me on discord.
Anyone else want to join up, get with me BEFORE you create because this current build, these stats mean a lot and some aren't used!!! I also have some good recipes for enchanting on my discord. Here is a link:
RE: Daily Message posting
Hey all, see ya on Tuesday!!! Unless I see ya on Thursday. ;-0
Hi all new and vet players
Just wanted to reach out and say Hi to all of you. I will be playing on Tuesday if you wanted to group up or have any questions (after I learn it again) hehe... I should know a lot by Thursday. Have fun and enjoy the game.
RE: Future Angel looking to be part of/create a guild
I will be on Tuesday if you guys cant find a good styled guild... Let me know. HF all!!!