@Razvan Sup Raz and yes. I played as HolyDragoness last test. I know they said that but they also said at the moment or at the present time. Either way, they hinted they may change it. I'm just answering the OP (original poster) and giving my 2 cents. I did type IMO which means in my opinion. No biggy. Looking forward to the next test. Im going to get the pack that allows me in Beta 1. The other pack is way too expensive, IMO. ;-0.

Best posts made by Mr14taz
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
More NA GOOD Aligned members needed. TOO much evil in this world!!! Come help smite evil!
Hey all,
I am recruiting for a good aligned guild like I mentioned above. I have lead many guilds since the UO days. The guild name is usually Pious Sodality or Pious (Easy Company in Planetside 2).
Here are some bullets:
- We will PVX! I love PvP so if you join, please don't be a shy about it.
- We will be one of the "good guys" or "goodie two shoes" guilds in the Human world.
- Discord (try to stay away from FBombs and very crude humor) used for grouping.
- Community styled guild where we help each other with grouping, knowledge and so on.
- 50-100 members.
- Active membership! The time frame for inactivity is around 1-2 weeks unless notified. Returning players are MORE than welcome to rejoin us.
- I police the guild's rules to make sure we stay consistent with my vision on how a guild should be.
- Grouping is not mandatory all the time. That being said, pure solo players shouldn't join this guild.
Just send a message if interested, post here or search Pious in the guild section. I like to gather up some cool people. That's the point of an MMO after all.
Hi all new and vet players
Just wanted to reach out and say Hi to all of you. I will be playing on Tuesday if you wanted to group up or have any questions (after I learn it again) hehe... I should know a lot by Thursday. Have fun and enjoy the game.
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
IMO: 50 members max in each guild with a last online tracker so we can keep it updated with active members. Alliances can have 3 Guilds within them. Friendly fire should not affect guild members but should damage alliance members to avoid zergs.
Side note: Parties should have a max of 10
Again, all IMO.
RE: Future Angel looking to be part of/create a guild
Hi there,
I am "fighting" with the community on this one. I don't think it is fair that they have demons but not angels. I put it this way. If we want to be good, we need to roll an evil race to be good while if you want to be evil, you just start with it. I hate that game designers tend to favor the evil side more. If it was balanced, I would have no issue. Hopefully they will change this.
I did think about what you're saying when I heard about the way it was designed. It could be fun to do what you're saying just to get that angel going. I love playing characters with angel wings so it fits right into my style of play. I just hate having to play evil in any capacity.
I do plan on being an angel regardless on how the devs do it. If you like to join us, Pious will be a Good aligned guild. I will play a lot since I work from home. My playtimes will be (EST) afternoons and late nights with breaks in-between. My discord will be PG-13 if you can handle that (not many can). Check out Pious and sign up if you like. It should be fun either way.
If you get into another then we should talk about an alliance. We will be one of the good guys on the server. More are welcomed.
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
I respect your opinion @Gothix. I just feel like most guilds usually end up with 200 members in guild with 5 online. I've ran so many in my time and I feel I have a good grasp on this subject. Not that anyone else doesn't!!! I can see 100 Max working as well since that was usually my limit in the past in many other games. I guess I was thinking about the last test, the world size and players in game. I just want to try to minimize zergs as most of you do. I need to play the game more I guess.
Now @Pluto, If there were limits, it would separate them for friendly fire. So these AOEs and mistaken wild shots could hurt your alliance members. I truly understand and agree 100% on what you're saying. Guilds will make sister guilds. There is nothing we can do about that. Yes we all need to invent a way to avoid all of this. I think friendly fire will help some but I am sure that's not the solution. Anything else you like to contribute as a part of a solution would be helpful.
So I would still vote for 50 and keep your guilds active by removing inactive players. If you have more than 50 genuinely active (plays more than once a week) members, make that alliance. If you have over 150 ACTIVE members, good for you!
You're doing something that most aren't. Keep it up! Maybe form a second alliance? Maybe even a Good Alliance and an Evil one? That's 300 members!!!
Either way this goes guys, we shouldn't argue about it, not that we are but, imo, they are going to do what they want to do anyways. We will play the game if they had 25 members max or unlimited. Sharing opinions will hopefully give them something to think about but I am sure they already have their format and will go with that.
RE: Enchanting Recipes
T2 Melee Damage
3 Plagued Remains
2 HoneynailT2 Melee Crit Damage (chance)
Spider Glad
2 Plagued Remains
Goblin Tongue