Se compri il pacchetto con la chiave, potrai partecipare a tutti i test che si faranno (anche il prossimo winter alpha), se invece hai preso una chiave dai giveaway su internet, alla fine di quest'alpha si disattivano
Posts made by Meziljin
RE: Una informazione riguardo la chiave
RE: Un saluto
salve wusong, purtroppo arrivi un po tardino, fra pochi giorni chiude questa sessione di alpha, ma fai ancora in tempo per spulciarti il gioco nelle sue cose basilari
noi siamo a Kaos city, ci si vede
RE: Durability is depleting WAY too fast + Tanks are getting screwed!
Well a possible solution could be a single skill for warrior like "Defence stance" that put the warrior in a defensive mode where armor value increase by a tot percentage and durability loss is stopped, however any offensive skill is forbidden during this stance, just healing is allowed.
This skill will give chance to a war to be a pure tank, not ruining armor but at same time cannot be used to abuse while farming because cannot do damage (so useless in farming without exploit).
Defensive stance should just consume mana by time and keep aggro of all surrounding monsters for x meters, so a good position is important to avoid pull too many monsters and giving a strategic asset to the skill -
RE: Cost/expenditure for metal armor vs. cloth armor
armor system is still lacking, just look at metal ones variety and leather ones...
actually the only use for metal armors is legends, the normal pve can be soloed even in medium leather
ofc it's bad, surely it will change, even the fact mages have no armor durability loss, just when barely hitted
RE: road not passable bug
Confirm. i just screen same place, road is unpassable even if stona path. bug
RE: The Legends Have Arrived
Well surely mages will be at full knowledge, warrior still have issues with wisps...
RE: shitty game
here what happen when kids get free keys, starting blaming because they can't buy a game .
Just ignore him, our luck is that it's not a free game so this kind of bullshit will not be on release -
RE: Incorrect upload of resources on tradepost
sounds like even others have same problem with stones, it involve only stones apparently
Incorrect upload of resources on tradepost
i'm trying to upload my tradepost with stones, but on a cart full of stones tradepost counted me only 4
RE: First impression and opinions
After a week of experience and impressions, i feel to leave here some suggestions to improve gameplay and fix some problem:
Since game seems really slow, roads allow to move a bit faster and lower our stress during infinite travels
But i think roads could works even differently and better with some improve. All roads in world are divided in segments, each segment connect 2 villages or town (at their end point a wooden sign will show the road segment. The two cities connected can improve that road segment increasing the road rank
But how it work? A city send a request to the other one to start the improvement project, if it accept both cities have to load stones into the wood signs (the sum is equally divided indipendently by the rank of towns), so if 40 stones needed, each city have to place 20 stones. When placed, road rank up becoming a lastricated road (or marbled road name is just an example). This road have a travel speed increased by 100% (so the double respect the normal road). Road need maintenance, this maintenance is the half of the build cost (in this case 20 stones), whoever can help to upkeep road, maintenance is weekly (not daily), if requirement is not satisfied, road rank down to normal one.
BUT WHY? because a faster road attract more travelers, improve the commerce and force involuntarly people to move there instead other roads.
But how much cost a rank up of the road? it is directly proportioned to the distance (about 1-2 stone per tile, so very long road will cost really high (even 70-80 stones) and upkeep even is high but travels will be greatly improved.AUTO TRADE
Each city at a certain rank (not at begin), can release a carovan (a wagon) that will go sell or buy something decided by governor into his tradepost in another city. Carovan will start from the governor tradepost and move only on roads until the tradepost of destination, do the deal and come back.
why this? no time waste, faster grow, time safer. Risks? carovan can be raided during travel, because player killers can patrol choke points and raid carovan stealing all. Well this could happen even if u decide to move carovan on your own with a personal trade, but in this case you can choose to travel out of road avoiding pirates.At high ranks Cities will unlock Militians which will guard town by raiders, but even a governor can decide to link militians at guard of carovans, but if this will give more safety to the carovan, reduce the defence of the city itself (hard to decide, raider could notice militians going out of town and raid city...beware governors lol.
Since i have a stone city and i love it, Both stone and fertile grounds got a really bad appeal on players. Stone cities simply have no advantage, it produce a reasource all players can get everywhere, sure more than others but it is not enough.
I suggest Stone cities have a quarry where citizen can dig Boulders, these boulders can be disgregate into 8-10 stones or can be used to build advanced building in highest rank in cities (an end game resource for biggest cities)
Meantime i wish Fertile grounds can produce more crops than others, not in quantity but even in variety (those crops have a better effect on city upkeep or another end game resource) -
RE: [FRAC-2270] No bronze?
souns weird even the fact heat temperature change inverting ore position...
RE: The City Monopoly Meta
Where all seems perfect in their intents (to be clearer)
yes we have to report all problems, like we are doing, i said nothing more...
they have an idea (a concept) of the game mechanics, while probably we customers will have a different one, pretending to be implemented for our tastes.
They can decide to flex to our desires completely or find a middle solution to satisfy all even partially
RE: The City Monopoly Meta
cmon relax, it's an alpha.
First part is the show of game creator intents, ideas and concept, where all seems perfect
Second part is the shit storm of people behavior trying to find mechanic holes, glitchs, bugs, which will compromise the game core
Third part is the mediation, wherever game designer and customers find a way to co-exist.We will break a lot of game concept for sure, but it's our part lighting the holes, to avoid to falling inside later.
I think they got the problem, now they have to meditate on even with our suggestions and show up in future their fix option.
by the way, the most stable alpha game ever seen, but holy god too many contents missing, i hope they will thing to reduce greatly their initial ideas for a smoother start (no 9 isles, no asteroids, maybe in future with some dlc or free patch, but reduce and focus on this for the moment)
RE: City Planner
Amazing, still raw but it's funny and probably will become a true tool for each governor
RE: Pretty solid for early alpha stages
player trade could become an issue, due to the fact game is focusing on cities trade.
Item trade avoid the use of coins, so the farm need will reduce ruining the pve experience and the hunters(harvesters) role.And more, thing about a citizen opening his town chests, stealing all resources (that viable by backpack) and giving them to an enemy city where he have friends, like a pushing behaviour...
I'm agree that its frustrating a non-trade option by players, and i can even accept it, but we must be sure no lame option pop up, otherwise game sense will fall
Cercasi ita
Ma di tutte le gilde qui elencate รจ rimasto qualche ita a giocare? se si, dove siete?
RE: The City Monopoly Meta
If i'm not wrong the numbers to raise a city are really lower than expected. I suppose numbers will raise greatly (maybe 50 instead 20 to a large city and 20 instead 5 to small city)
Personally i would like to remove guilds from game, transforming them simply in citizen of each city (when u join a city, u join a group as citizen, with own chat working for all citizen of that city.
This should even allow to not be excluded by cityi management for those who are guildless and join a city where guilds keep control and decisions, avoiding the emargination of someone (like me )
i doubt will exists guilds with more than 50 members or to be more realistic 100 players who control 2 big cities. maybe 2 small, or at worst 1 big and 1 small. But with my system they are forced to not be in same "guild" so everyone will work for his "home"
RE: Stone / wood for upkeep
stone tax is quite senseless imho, but i think stones will have a role in future because they will implement sieges, so i think after a siege building will require to be fixed probably, so wood and stone need will return