In aller Regel erhält man beim "Merge" entsprechende Infos wie das funktioniert. Es muss nicht zwingend der gleiche Accountname oder die gleiche E-Mail Adresse sein, kann aber nicht schaden. Also ja, hast du richtig verstanden: Die Verknüpfung findet erst mit Ende der KS Campaign statt.

Posts made by LPerro
RE: Kickstarter
RE: Kickstarter Update #1 - A Big Thank You & What's Next
Stay in touch with the community like this, please. You are doing an awesome job right now!
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
@00 said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
Lets be honest, after all the Fail and Scam campaigns that players have encountered in the last years, im the first that have promise to myself that i will never found another campaign, don't matter if there is a pistol aiming at my head. That said at some tier i will probably support, because i like the enterprising concept that they are trying do develope, immortal is very intersting but 300€ are still a good amount of money for my state.. Else i will continue to follow and be positive\helpful in this project without taking any financial risk at all. Im sure that everyone here got his disappointments in some projects that have fund and there is nothing to blame if people now are skeptics about this "new" development path: pay KS>pay EA> have a product that you enjoy 25\30% chance
Exactly this. Absolutely stoked for the game, however I am completely burnt out by Kickstarter fails at this point to believe in anything.
RE: Community Call - Translation Help 2
@kapier said in Community Call - Translation Help 2:
Direkt zu den empfohlenen Projekten.
Just a small addition in regards to the other german translations: I'd suggest changing the quoted area to:
Direkt bei den empfohlenen Projekten gelistet.
Which translates to
Directly listed as a featured project.
Which is the same in meaning but sounds a bit more natural for the native german speaker/reader.
RE: Weapon and Spells related?
As I understood it, the abilities are not "linked" to certain weapons/armor - instead the latter is a requirement for the former. Judging from
If you learn to perform, say, a Whirlwind with swords, then when resting you add it to the set of prepared spells/abilities (= your hotbar), that ability will be usable only if you're holding a sword. If you're not, it will be greyed out
you can learn certain abilities that are tied to a certain proficiency (like Swordfighting), but not the item itself. However, in order to use that ability, you would need that type of weapon equipped (small, but important difference imo).
If learning demonic abilities as a non-demon is possible or if there are demonic abilities as such, I don't know tho.
RE: The Fractured Kickstarter Campaign Is Live!
Really liked the Kickstarter-Campaign-Video as it had a great deal of information about the game and was well structured. And while I really like the art-style of the game, I felt that the animations were kind of lackluster/clunky and I hope thats just because of the quasi-prototype version of the game right now.
RE: Sind euer Geldbeutel bereit?
Gebe ehrlich zu, dass ich durch die viele Shovel- und Vaporware der letzten Jahre etwas vorsichtig geworden bin. Wenn ich da nur an Repopulation und Shards Online (jetzt Legends of Aria) denke - und viele weitere - dann hoffe ich eher noch auf etwas mehr bewegte Bilder zu Fractured und überlege dann ob ich etwas Kohle in den Ring werfe.
Hoffe mal aber, dass meine Skepsis unberechtigt ist! Ein Spiel wie Fractured wäre endlich mal frischer Wind auf dem MMO-Markt.
Introducing... LPerro
Hey everyone,
I am normally not the kind to just go and wave the "Here I am, take note"-flag - however, as we are all eager to get into the game at some point and are starving for community points, I might as well join the crowd on this one.
I am a player from northern Germany (in fact, the North Sea is just about a kilometer from my home!) and as I grew up with games like Ultima Online and the Diablo 1, I always had a sweet spot for games from the ISO-perspective. Games like Lost Ark and the like take far too long now and I feel that what we get when they finally release will not live up to (at least my) expectations. So here I am, hoping that Fractured won't find itself in the infinite development cycle like other Kickstarter-projects and that we get to play sooner than later.
See you there!
- LPerro
RE: Hello everyone
@starberrykate Ireland is great! Always enjoyed my vacations around Galway a lot! When it comes to reflexes, I certainly hope that laid back playstyles as well as more twitchy playstyles will both be possible. Welcome to the community!