forgive me if this has all ready been talked about, but what kinda things will there be for solo/small gangs? are they gona be able to take part in the same things as the bigger groups?

Best posts made by lovechildbell
RE: May 5th Q&A Livestream - List Your Questions!
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
@gothix You could change it to how many times you jerk it for all I care. I'm still gona get skill points, the real gate is still gona be the in game tasks, the only people who should really care are the people worried about having "the best" stats and thats not who this game is made for.
RE: Hero and Guild creation now live in The Foundation
If guilds are gona have "size tiers" will that in anyway effect mechanics or costs? IE a guild with 30 people only needs to pay 100 gold to build a building where as a guild with 60 will need 150 gold, or you must have a guild of at least 20 to own a "guild house"
RE: The Hype is building; can you feel it?
I'm hyped to see some big progress. But then again this feeling might just be me needing to poop.
RE: State Of The Game #2 – On 2018, Alpha 1 & Unity
@Pwnstar because that would mean there are no warewolfs?
RE: When is Alpha 1?
It has been pushed back to late January/early February.
RE: July 16th Crafting & Building Q&A: List Your Questions
What is the rough time spent per item crafted and is it linear? Like for example crafting a sword takes roughly 5 minutes to gather and craft would making 2/3/10 swords take 10/15/50 minutes?
Will crafting be something most people will have to do to at least some small degree? or can you sustain yourself purely from other activities?
RE: Hero and Guild creation now live in The Foundation
@flotsam said in Hero and Guild creation now live in The Foundation:
Any info on if there will be a cap on the amount of players that can be in a single guild?
some games like to curb the "zerg" guilds and put in some sort of cap and/or tier system
RE: PVE loot mechanics
This requires a simple solution. Just give me (or any other cool beans person) all the loot.
If that is not satisfactory then I think people should squabble amongst themselves on how the loot should be divided. As that way the loot gained becomes more valuable.
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
@logain in a game of rock paper scissors which one is "best"
RE: How did you hear about this game?
wizardry? maybe vile witch craft? who knows
RE: State Of The Game #2 – On 2018, Alpha 1 & Unity
@Dragomok if it is a typo I am significantly less excited for the game then
RE: NPC Strength
@fibs Ahh but the alphas are slated to be much sooner then that, clearly thats close enough for us to bicker to our hearts content.
On a more serious note it does allow the developers to gauge how the current potential player base feels. yada yada yada something something something we just like to complain and argue?
RE: Why Magic users will be OP compared to physical users
@gothix Fair. Things could be "working as intended" if int/magic/whatever is op
RE: Will Animation Cancelling become a combat mechanic one day?
@target why don't they just have another animation for when you miss instead of cutting the attack animation short?
RE: Pre-alpha invites!
I bet they physically mail invites and that's why it's taking so long
RE: The Hype is building; can you feel it?
@specter can I be worried if I do get one
RE: Anyone else dying to know how Pre-Alpha testing is going?
Unless its going terribly and everything is on fire I don't wana know about it.
RE: Toggle Nudity For player Characters? [ AKA unequipable Undergarments with censor option) ,( NOT OTHER EXPLICT FEATURE REQUEST)]
What about the idea that the devs just don't feel like having it in the game? Is that reasoning allowed?