If I think about mousebased movement Diablo 3 comes to mind.
There it is a lot better to have click-to-move than even to imagine wasd-movement.
But if anyone played it with a gamepad you'll never want to go back to mouse.
So why not use this, you'll have the unlimited directions of the stick for movement and the direction you are facing to attack can be different.
Only if you want to have different ranges on your skills you are slow again.
Since i dont know what kind of spells will be featured I just want to point this one out, maybe its a way between both what people would like.
Posts made by Lomacil
RE: Why will the control be based on a mouse?
RE: sandbox games
It was Life is Feudal, for the longest, since it got some nice ideas.
But I dont want to play a beta 2 years after release^^
It was a great example for the problems of early access. -
RE: Deutsche Communityseite? Ideen? Freiwillige? :-)
Wenn es nur ums Übersetzen geht biete ich auch gern meine Hilfe an. Finde es gut wenn man das von Anfang an verfolgt, dann steht man nicht plötzlich vor einem riesigen Berg an Daten und es fallen evtl auch Fehler auf die schon im Englischen bestehen. (zb Tooltipps oder diverse Mechaniken im Spiel)
RE: What's your playstyle?
I would like to play a mage if its not like in every other game just throwing fireballs and lightning. I like complex gameplay and so I prefer underestimated classes like if there is something like an alchemist sometimes.
But I usualy end up playing the roll noone wants, so I'll fill -
RE: Was erwartet ihr von Fractured?
ich komme mit vielen sachen klar, solang die Community und die Entwickler nicht wie die von LiF werden
RE: Was erwartet ihr von Fractured?
Ich wünsche mir das ich die Vorteile von schweren Rüstungen auch wirklich nutzen kann. Nicht nur dass man bisschen weniger Schaden bekommt und bisschen langsamer läuft, ich hätte gern dass sich der charakter dann auch schwer anfühlt beim bewegen und vor allem dass man Leute umrennen kann und weniger schaden durch Blitzzauber bekommt^^ sowas wäre toll
RE: Unity and its downsides
so the issue was solved anyway, thank you @Prometheus
I guess the combined meshes could be used for background and suroundings, don't know how well this works with different moving objects.
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
mostly PvE because I like coop more than PvP
RE: Was erwartet ihr von Fractured?
Ein sich selbst entwickelndes Kampfsystem vielleicht, das wäre echt toll. Veränderbare Setups mit Stärken und Schwächen, so dass nicht am Ende die eine Variante zu spielen die "beste" ist. Irgendwas was im Spiel den stärksten aller Vorteile aufhebt(Masse)
Die Möglichkeit durch Skill,Erfahrung und Überlegung besser zu sein als andere.Die Möglichkeit vor Trollen zu fliehen und sie aus meinem Spielerlebnis auszuschließen.
Tatsächlich veränderbare Umgebung und daraus resultierende Möglichkeiten.
RE: Unity and its downsides
@tulukaruk not sure how that works, since I created them on runtime with specific and different values/positions/components, with the possibility to move each one for them self in global space. Also you'll get a drawcall for everything added (like shadowcalc)
So I am not entirely sure what you mean^^
I just wanted to point out that unity got some issues and I hope they are considered well because I want to see this game
I just read they changed the drawcalls, so it seems there was some work done on this end and it's likely this wont be a problem anymore. Or its just easier to keep track of.
Should have looked it up to begin with. -
RE: Unity and its downsides
Hi @Prometheus
My information might be outdated but there once was a limit to how many drawcall unity can handle. And it was not that much, I took the time to extend one of my early projects by creating about 500 objects on screen (sphere,one material, one texture) and some lightsources. So I soon got the poblem, that not each object would be rendered in time (it wasnt a problem of calculation power) but unity just caped there. It was still version 4.0 as I remember and might not be a problem anymore but creating a complex world might become difficult if this is still an issue.I am aware you could easily handle this via optimation but still I am concerned through my own experience.
Maybe I am just overexaggerating but I wanted to know the oppinion of people who could meet this problem too. And since i think you got a wonderful idea creating this game and since I have high hopes for it, I wanted to know if this issue is considered.
Still thumbs up.
Unity and its downsides
I am well aware unity is an easy access dk for starters and if you already know your requirements for advanced programmer.I am just curious if it is even possible to avoid the drawcall restrictions of unity.
So if this game is realy done this way how is it possible to play it in the end?Would be glad to get some info on this befor further spending my time around here.