Daily again...
Posts made by koalayaya
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 31, 2019
I love the skins, tons of details(must took u quite some time)
However I think it would be cool if elementals have glowing eyes -
RE: Week 79 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Gz... wonder how long that took XD
RE: What challenges should guild alliances face?
Hmm maybe after a game starts for like 6 month u make another server???
RE: Mercenary Business CEO, Brain.
Have u created a clan/chose a character yet?
RE: Ideas for game (Read it!)
Maybe add commands
Guild chat maybe do /G
private message do /w
Map for /m
Maybe have something to detect enemy or mobs?
Like red dots on a mini map for enemy
Blue is neutral and green is ally/clan member -
RE: Ideas for game (Read it!)
New idea: why don't u make like a daily awarding system but each consecutive day it doubles (no limit). Once streak is broken awards can return to normal
Ideas for game (Read it!)
I wonder if it's possible to build a certain object that let's u orbit around a planet (maybe even space battles/mobs?)
Is there a way to make it possible to see 1st handed too?
Trapping animals?
Maybe something slightly more modern?
I would like approximately 1-2 new (big) areas per year. Hope u r funding doing great
More ideas:
Different type of trees?
Maybe a rebirth system?
Classes maybe? (Warrior, Archer, assassin...)
I'm pretty sure there are bows but maybe crossbows?
Regenerate health by going to doctors and sleeping???
Apparently I didn't read forum rules :V
Anyhow... maybe there should be an event where the planets aline with each other for a day and people can cross over for a period of time be for they suffucate in an unfamiliar atmosphere.
Should there be spies??? That would make it quite interesting.
Mercenary system???
Sickness like cold, fever... requires healer or docter?
Food poisoning?