@OldMule healing based on your skill so it vary a bit on your progression, but minor is better for singleplayers
Best posts made by KingQuantum
RE: Stealth Archer
Death Corpse Looting
hello there, i got a smal looting struggle in the last test, i know a Corpse spawn system from Spell Frorce (SF) which aloow looting and was designed as MMO, where you shold bet an eye on, SF splits the death corpse and give evryone a litle space, Fractured stacks them and there isnt it easy to loot
easy to click them all (Spellforce edition)
who is who? (Fractured edition)in Spellforce one it looks sometimes a litle buggy whe a corpse spawns 10m away from you but in this momens are you got way different problems while you got a circle with the radion of 10m filled with death corpses, and you wont bet an eye on there spawn,
i mean this mechanic is verry helpfull to get rid of larger groups of enemys and loot them, even a tiny hint who isnt looted yet would be cool
RE: Stealth Archer
if you play your archer always alone, i would recommend the "minor healing" it has les then half of the cooldown, and a little more then half of healing, which makes it a way stronger self heal.
for example
424 heal 8 Sec Healing wave
280 heal 3 Sec Minor healingyou can heal more then 500 in les then 8 sec or nearly 800 in 9 sec
and you save 2 memory points
if you have 2 spare points, ( i didnt know how much others take) use both abllitys and change them based on situation alone/group
Latest posts made by KingQuantum
RE: Names for in game characters?
this game faces a wipe every new alpha, so the always "chosen" name like Aragorn, Gandalf, Jesus, King, KingArthus, BigKing, BiggerKing, Elvis or whatever are always free and we aren't 40 999 Players , so choose whatever you want
A verry Basic caracter Creation
most people can create only one character, open your eyes what you choose
i created a Character for the new Alpha test, i have to go to work now, so i would come later to the game as others, but hey at least i have a character,
RE: Stealth Archer
@OldMule healing based on your skill so it vary a bit on your progression, but minor is better for singleplayers
RE: Stealth Archer
if you play your archer always alone, i would recommend the "minor healing" it has les then half of the cooldown, and a little more then half of healing, which makes it a way stronger self heal.
for example
424 heal 8 Sec Healing wave
280 heal 3 Sec Minor healingyou can heal more then 500 in les then 8 sec or nearly 800 in 9 sec
and you save 2 memory points
if you have 2 spare points, ( i didnt know how much others take) use both abllitys and change them based on situation alone/group
RE: Activation Email Issue
congratulation, hope you enjoy the last test and comming back to the next longer test in Februar
Video for Tank/Paladian Build
Ingame Audio are maybe to loud, spelling mistakes, low fps, questionable build,
i`ll try a leather based build on next playtest while iron getting rare there i think. but feel free to tell me better build i could try next time
i forgot to record the PvP im really sorry about that, while it was fun and others where also really happy about pvp you can see at the durabillity, there was some PvP, best fully forgotten to record
sorry again
RE: Story
the self written story by players is close to the Elite Dangerous universe. Alliances getting wrecked, Guilds raise and fall, Empires struggle to repair themselve,
i played ArcheAge in a bigger german Guild 200+ ACTIVE members, even our story fills books, and i played Eve Online, i`ve never been in a big Clan ther,e but those who are, told me loong storys,
player made storys are often invisible to thoose who play alone, but when you join a bigger guild and stay active, even in an introvert listening way, you will hear a longer goin story,
if you can, grab pen and paper und write the story down, i didnt and i regret that
RE: Death Corpse Looting
Full loot bevore disabling would also block cherry picking, for example if you gather gold from zombie, but not rotten flesh then you will not reach the zombie below
i think the disabling the ability to interact would a good otion while there would no new mechanic needet to place these corpses and a mechanic who disable interactions on items with higher layer / enabling interactions behind objekts, would also help in PvP, it would stop cutting tree accidents, its just the way how the mechanic gets implementet
Death Corpse Looting
hello there, i got a smal looting struggle in the last test, i know a Corpse spawn system from Spell Frorce (SF) which aloow looting and was designed as MMO, where you shold bet an eye on, SF splits the death corpse and give evryone a litle space, Fractured stacks them and there isnt it easy to loot
easy to click them all (Spellforce edition)
who is who? (Fractured edition)in Spellforce one it looks sometimes a litle buggy whe a corpse spawns 10m away from you but in this momens are you got way different problems while you got a circle with the radion of 10m filled with death corpses, and you wont bet an eye on there spawn,
i mean this mechanic is verry helpfull to get rid of larger groups of enemys and loot them, even a tiny hint who isnt looted yet would be cool