Once the game has completed Alpha testing and moved to the Beta phase where many more are playing, it would be VERY helpful to have a well-written 'Newbie Guide' to get people started with more detailed info than the in-game tutorial might offer. But while the game is still in Alpha, there may be more changes to specifics than you'd want to build a guide on, y'know? So I'd wait on that for now, if it were my time being spent writing the thing.
I've used Newbie Guides to clarify my goals & enable better planning & builds in several games I've played, and usually use the wiki for finding detailed info about specific game assets or features as needed.
I'd probably also make use of a more detailed Build Guide & Crafting Guide, as well, if those become available. All guides should be vetted by mods/devs before pinning to the top of an appropriate Forum section make sure they're trustworthy and clearly articulated.