Well, I digress.
Let me try once more to get my original point across... it seems I've done a bad job of explaining myself so far...
I'm hungry for a specific type of MMO. I call it "sandbox" - but you know, the term "sandbox" means many different things to many people. If you were to ask "what is a sandbox?" to random gamers right now, the most prominent answer would probably be "Grand Theft Auto" - because that's what millions of people associate with the term "sandbox".
But when I say "sandbox" - what I think of are games like Ultima Online or Star Wars Galaxies. What differentiated those games from other MMOs in my eyes, is that you could be pretty much anyone. Of course you could be an adventurer, a combatant - but you could also be an Entertainer, or a Crafter, or a Trader or a Mayor, or a Barkeep - including roles that were not even specifically designed for by the developers. That level of freedom is what I associate with the term "sandbox".
For me personally, a sandbox MMO is diametrically opposed to a theme-park MMO. A theme-park offers you "rides" which you can take - often repeatedly. And they tell you "go here - to that" - "at level X go there, do that" - etc. - and the core principle is, that you get rewarded for doing what the game tells you to do. Following the carrot on the stick is absolutely central to that type of play.
What I am looking for, what I really want - is a true sandbox MMO. And to me that means, that no such carrots are waved in your face. That you are not "supposed" to this, or that - but that you have to find your own way. And whatever you choose to do does come with intrinsic rewards rather then extrinsic ones. To me, a sandbox is decidedly NOT about doing my daily quests and weekly quests, earning my points, getting my loot boxes. It's pretty much the exact opposite of that.
What are the chances that Fractured is that kind of game that I'm looking for? I mean, aren't they already creating a community of people who like following those carrots? Why would they build such community features, when their game was for an entirely different target audience? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense, to have the game appeal to exactly the same crowd, that they are already attracting to this community?
So, considering what I am looking for - do you really think that this game will deliver what I desire from a sandbox MMO? That more free-form play experience, that's totally not about reward schemes and repeatable quests and such?
Because my first impressions say, this is highly unlikely to be exactly that sort of game, which I am looking for...
I hope I managed to get my point across this time.