same, finally hopped on the game since it went free to play and other than my title, nadda. Tho, on the forums, I don't have the correct title level, it should be up to #12, but it's only up to #10.

Posts made by Heeroneko
RE: Foundation Freeze FAQ
RE: The Foundation
The game's gone free to play. You can dl it on steam too. The titles are implemented, but I don't know about the other rewards.
Site UI error
Under the 'what to do' page, the Crafting & Economy section is misspelled as Crafting & Eceonomy.
RE: Community Call - YouTubers You Know
Little late to the party but MathasGames might be a good one. He has around 200k subs at this point. RyconRoleplays has less subs at around 90k subs, but his channel is an absolute perfect fit for this game.
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
I enjoy both. PVE is a bit more important to me though. I can deal with a game not having PVP, but poor PVE content ruins it for me. For PVP I generally prefer arena style scenarios more than large scale group PVP. Open PVP can be fun in small groups tho.
RE: looking to meet new peoples
Hail friend! Joining a guild would be the fastest way to get to know some people, but the community in general is pretty nice and helpful from what I've seen. owo Join some discussions and let your voice be heard! The sharing of ideas is always welcome. owo
RE: What will be you main intention in the game ?
Exploring and finding out all the hidden secrets of the universe n stuff.
RE: [One Sentence] What turns you off playing a game?
Shitty progression systems that only focus on higher damage numbers instead of adding new mechanics that change how you play.
RE: Hello again!
Welcome back! Seems you have to be in the top 100, but they'll be adding ppl throughout the alpha I think so you've got a shot! owo
RE: I'm new, what is unique to this game?
I'd say the most unique thing is how they actively encourage the community to interact through positive reinforcement. lol
RE: Gender of Heroes
I always play males. My biggest pet peeve is when male characters don't have butts. Second biggest is when female armor is super revealing but males don't even get to show off those pecs. Let me pimp out my demonic beefcakes gosh dernit! oOo
RE: Biomes, Terrain & Climate
@cinnao You'd be surprised what people are willing to do for a cut of the profits. I'd spend an hour of my game time collecting tolls if the incentive was good enough.
RE: Biomes, Terrain & Climate
@therippyone I remember playing a game where dirt roads were created dynamically over time due to repeated travel through the area. It'd be cool to see something similar with higher traffic creating better paved roads and such.