@mikey14117 I've always wanted to try ESO but never gotten around to giving it a shot because I have such a long backlog of games.

Posts made by Grimalkin
RE: What game(s) are you playing at the moment?
RE: Types of armor?
@prometheus Interesting that temperature is also a factor, I assume you get debuffs if you are not well clothed in certain areas?
Types of armor?
What are the differences between the different armor types? Do the heavier ones encumber you and make you slower,etc?
RE: Anime
Definitely Yu-Yu-Hakusho, both fullmetal alchemists are really good too.
RE: What game(s) are you playing at the moment?
@mikey14117 Tekken is really fun but I'm not that good at fighting games and the learning curve is steep.
What game(s) are you playing at the moment?
Currently started playing Tibia to feed my mmo addiction, also playing Oblivion and tekken 7 on the side.
RE: Paths of Magic
Looking forward to how healing and support spells are done.
RE: Dark theme / Night mode for the forum?
A dark theme would be nice, the white background can become an eye sore
RE: Did I miss something? No levels !?
@vengu I haven't played MOBAs in awhile but I never really thought about this game in that way, this makes me a bit relieved since the controls for a moba isn't that hard to get into.
RE: Death Penalty
Ah, big thanks to the compilation thread this will be a big help
RE: MMO you've played the longest?
Pretty old-school but Tibia is a game I have played on and off for many years. Back in the days when I had dial-up internet, the game had so much mystery and skill to play well. Nowadays it is a shell of it's former self with 1/10th of the player base that it had although the developers have finally came to their senses and started to fix the game slowly.
RE: Games
Elder Scrolls Oblivion - Grandia II - FF 9 (And other FF titles)
Too many to list honestly but those are the ones that come to mind.
RE: Hype is real
Definitely hyped, I have been looking for a new MMO for the past few weeks and nothing has come close to holding my attention.
RE: Last MMO you played?
FF 14 - Fun game but grinding through the story quest was such a chore. Before that I played Tibia a few years back which I still love but probably won't ever go back to and years before that was a not so well known game called Ashen Empires which is surprisingly still online.
Death Penalty
I've played many games where the death penalty meant huge amounts of hours lost in skills and loot (Hoping it's this) and a few where it can barely be called a slap on the wrist (Just respawn in town). Was wondering what the death penalty in this game would be.
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
I love to pve solo and with groups, pvp is one of those things I tend to avoid but I like the looming presence it holds when I venture into unknown territories.