No idea why they hate the idea so much, the people want it lol. Why not run polls on ideas people want? Games never go anywhere if they don't use player feedback and adjust "their visions"

Posts made by frostie
RE: Dedicated Slot for Consumables
RE: List of Small Plants 52/57 - can you add anymore to it?
Exactly @Fi , I think numbers were just rounded up and we got more lucky in the rng
RE: Patch Log - b.1.0i - Critical Fixes
Can you please create a separate category under News/announcements for Patch Notes? It doesn't make sense to try to hide them in feedback section od the forums. Should be easily found, front and center...
RE: Move Dangerous/High CR NPCs Away From Main Roads
At minimum, we should be able to zoom out more. I do think putting mass groups of stun lock mobs on main roads is rather asinine as well.
RE: List of Small Plants 52/57 - can you add anymore to it?
I'm #2 for KP, I also only have 52/57
Not really sure what I did to gain more KP, but #1 is at 556,509. No clue what we did different, I think it was really just like RNG round up luck on kills or something.
RE: Patch Log - b.1.0i - Critical Fixes
Good step in the right direction for sure. Some much needed fixes. Can't wait for the other new patch coming soon.
RE: Patch Log - b.1.0e - Fixes & A Little Balancing
@PoorSoul nah, staves are useless. Shouldnt be having to Auto attack as a mage. The block you get when you use sword and shield and two extra imbueds is way better. Needs way more than damage increase to compare.