Ack. Hmmm. Wonder what the thought process was on this. I understand the tech tree, but not allowing rural areas the same options as urban folks doesn't make much sense to me.
Thank you,
Ack. Hmmm. Wonder what the thought process was on this. I understand the tech tree, but not allowing rural areas the same options as urban folks doesn't make much sense to me.
Thank you,
Is there a reason why a person with a house outside city limits cannot craft a pair of plate gauntlets with tin? I can't figure out why I cannot craft it. No message tells me one way or another why I cannot craft.
I think it would be an interesting aspect of acquiring plots if the buildings/additions stayed. The Fractured team could put gold value standard on each building/addition that can be added to a plot, then an individual could potentially buy it for the assessed value. Possibly, automatically be placed on the auction, then decays after 2 weeks if not purchased?
Some ideas.
I agree. I think it will ease one of the monotonous but necessary aspects of the game. There is a lot of travel in this game, which I have no problem with. However, it makes sense to add auto-run.
This game has amazing game mechanics. When this launches on Steam, it will be a huge success! I will continue to play/test it.
Thank you,
Auto-run key. I am really impressed with the game mechanics. Overall, A+ on the game so far.
I think I figured it out. I was trying to craft higher tier ore for armor.