@Frost Well was just to argue about something ;). I would like to avoid to buy a copy of AO ;). Anyway we have to see the game before drawing hasty conclusions
Posts made by Finland
RE: PK punishment
RE: PK punishment
The main problem is not on the PvP style but the fact that you can lose things. That's the only reason for pkers/gankers to farm players. To make hem mad ;). Without the loot they would lose interest in farming players. But I can't hope for that hahahaha
. For example.. I have no problem to play in a open pvp world if I don't lose things otherwise i'll just move around safe zones. Do we have safe zones :thinking:??? Prolly not the game for me hahaha
@Ildirettore Do you like to play as PK/Ganker?
RE: What about solo players?
@tulukaruk You are right! I was just wondering and asking why. I suppose you have no answer for it. Btw you all can play solo if you like ;).. I was just curious to know what's the point/the reason to solo play a MMORPG
RE: Le vostre esperienze video ludiche (online)
Ciao a tutti, attualemtento sto cercando un MMORPG serio su cui affossarmi per anni ma purtroppo non c'è niente di interessante a cui giocare. Da novembre 2017 faccio il tester di Crowfall (attualmente in pre-alpha) ma non lo definirei un MMORPG piuttosto un FPS ad ogni modo la community non è male e i dev sono molto disponibili,aperti e quantomeno ascoltano molto le idee, le proposte della community. Fino a novembre 2017 ho giocato (per circa 1 anno) ad Albion Online, quindi fasi finali Beta + 5 mesi di versione Release. Che dire avevo buone speranze per quel MMORPG Sandbox Full Loot. Quanti nomi per identificare un gioco eh? ebbene si ma purtroppo era un gioco basato sul grind puro fuori da ogni immaginazione, a livello gameplay sembra fatto apposta per premiare chi ama lo stile PK/Gank che dire se non: non è il mio stile (ho giocato 11 anni a WOW fin dai tempi di Vanilla a fare l'hard core player nei raid). Quindi ritrovarmi in un mondo dove non hai niente da fare ma sei "libero di fare quello che vuoi" non è il massimo. Qualche dungeon da 5-10 min che non portava reward ma permetteva di expare. per il resto era solo sopravvivenza. in 5 mesi sono stato GM e ho tirato su ben 3 gilde tutte sopra i 150 player. Non male eh? peccato che i player duravano 1-2 giorni qualcuno qualche settimana. la tipologia grinda per ore (gioca per ore per ottenere qualcosa) e perdi tutti in 1-2minuti ha fatto scappare tutti gli unici gatti rimasti erano quelli che giocavano solo come ganker pk che andavano ad uccidere coloro che erano meno skillati, o che si facevano open dungeon oppure world boss o addirittura a a grindarsi i player che prediligevano solo il gathering. Non mi è piaciuto era un modo per uccidere la community, troppo di nicchia questo gioco. Dava la possibilità di divertirsi solo a chi amava il pk o il gank mentre a noi amanti della pace (o del non voglio perdere niente) non era vita facile ma nolo noia e stress. Detto questo spero che questo gioco molto simile non prenda certe pieghe. negli anni prima ho giocato ad HOTS ed Overwatch (sin dalle fasi alpha come tester), come ho detto prima 11 anni a wow (dal 2004 al 2015), e svariati altri giochi che non merita menzionare. Attendo con ansia sviluppi su Fractured per vedere che gioco salterà fuori.
RE: PK punishment
Yeah I'm kinda curious to see if it'll be playable or if will be a game for gankers/pkers thus marking the end of the game like all those of its kind. No safe end game zones but only starting spots will call it, like happend on AO. But I have no idea what the target of this game is, if the idea is to have a niche game for 1000 players (fan of PK/Gank) or try to get a few million by following the wishes of everyone.
RE: ℹ Info | Accesso anticipato
@Prometheus Grazie mille. Devo dire che sono molto contento di questo progetto! Finalmente un gioco serio made in Italy. Per quanto riguarda Kickstarter non avete paura che grossi finanziatori possano influire sulle scelte di gioco a livello di meccaniche, deisgn etc? In realtà avrei un dozziglione di domande, ma non so quanto siete disponibili o quanto tempo avete/hai
RE: Key for a review on YouTube
If I understand it right we can Stream since Alpha1 but not Pre-Alpha
RE: Instanced Dungeons/Raids
@Logain I don't know if you tryed out Albion Online that's really similar. That game was 99% pvp and promoting ganking/pkers. The funny things was that after the release we had like 180k + players, after 5 month when I left the game we had like 1-2k of active players. moslty where inside the top hard core guilds. That game is dying and ppl are leaving cause there are not so much ppl around to kill. The map is really enourmus now and empty. What keeps some players there is the war between guilds/alliances. So think about this.
I think that Demon can do their job by killing beastmen and humans on Tartaros ;). Or we could get something like Demons can kill Demons
RE: Bad ideas from other MMO's
@Foxs Nice post I tryed to start one for the italian section
let's start the list:
- P2W - (Pay to Win) I totaly dislike P2W games so let'z hope they will never go this way
- P2B - (Pay to Boost) I totaly dislike vip subscripion that gives boost. I prefer a standard sub for everyone.
- Lag - Like happend in Albion Online on release (180k +) they coulden't manage the server lag. They took like 1 month and half to fix the problem. This way they lost more than Half of the community.
- PK supremacy - I totaly dislike to "work" (gather/craft) for hours/days/week and lose my thingy in 2 mins. This is usually a thing that make casuals (non Pker) players flee away. The only way would be: 1 lose my things in 2 mins but I can get back my high end equip in 10 mins. if you need a month for equippin but 2 mins to lose it, trust me that 70%/80% will flee away from this game like happend on albion. - So I hope for a non disadvantageous playing style.
- Unbalanced content - end game/high end content should be accessible to every one and not to the top guilds/top player that can controll a zone/region. - So I hope for a non disadvantageous content
- Extremly slow economy - gathering/crafting and so on shouldent take too much to level up or to gather resources. Don't foget that this is a game not a job. We are here to have fun (the only thing that keeps player on the game).
- expensive repairs - Another bad thing is the repair bill, in albion online for example was too high. If I buy a weapon for 200.000gold and I go for a dungeon, the unlucky fate wants me to die 2-3 times, why the hell do I have to pay like 100.000 gold to repair? - So I hope for a non disadvantageous repair bills.
- Difficulty over economy - I like really high difficult PvE environment but that doesn't cost me all my money if go go there with unskilled players. So really low repairs bills for those who die or not excessive hard PvE content.
- PvP quantity over quality - Another big issue is the zerg thingy. In those kind of games if you travel around in 10-15 friends you can be killed by big guild that roam around with 200 players. Limitating the numbers of a party/raid is not a solution because you can coordinate many groups by voice comm.
- Unrewarding content - I don't like to be forced on stealing gear because dungeons or some other kind of content does not drop equip. I'm not a fan of gathering/crafting but a slow system will keep me away for sure.
- Private instanced spot for builders - I dislike instanced - useless spots where build up structures like a guild city and so on. It's an open world so we should able to build somewhere. It's awesome to show everyone the progress of a guild that way. In albion online we had a private island and guild island - the access was limited as you can think and moslty was useless because using the game city structures were more rewarding. SO I hope to not see an useless/unrewarding building system on this game.
- A bad interface for guild recruits - one of the most importat things for the guilds is a perfect system to help the guilds with recruit in game. In my last experience (AO) we were forced to keep spammin in all chat the whole time cause of this lacking.
Okie I should stop here for today
RE: 💡 Suggestion | Extra Races?
They have lots of work to do I doubt this is a priority hehehe. I could drow something too with my pencil. Anyway I tryed to summon Sunti so letz see what does he think about. Maybe he will tell us how to move. Like: yeah send us some pics or no we don t need but give us some kind of description
RE: 💡 Suggestion | Extra Races?
@Esher thank you tho, you can leave a like on my reply if you like
Anyway I could try to summon @Sunti. For sure he can tell us if we are going too deep, if we need to attach pic also or if we need to give a detailed description. It's not always easy to give constructive suggestion/feedback or let him understand exactly our ideas and what we imagine.
RE: 💡 Suggestion | Extra Races?
Well they could make more Planets in the future with more specific categories like:
PLANTS PLANET (with plants humanoid race)
- Mushroom-noid
- Bramble-noid
- Oak-noid
- Flower-noid
DRAKE PLANET (with drake humanoid race like fire/frost/jade/earth/wind etc. would be cool to keep the humanoid aspect and make different kind of skin style, like jade skin for healer or metal/earth for a tank and so on)
AQUATIC PLANET (with fishy humanoid race)
I could continue. They could really add everything. This is so cool
- Mushroom-noid
RE: PK punishment
Guys come on.. they are just applying the low of a planet if you want pvp just do it on the right planet. Not every one likes pvp so there is no point to argue. If you like kill PvErs/gatheres instead try killin PvPers/Ganker it's just your own problem ;).. An let me say Not Fair.
AO died mostly cause of the liberty of pkappin. Casual players dislike that imho. MMO in not only PvP so give the options to all players to choose what they prefer. A planet without low with free pvp/pk looks enough to my eyes so I m wondering why do you want go pvp/pk on a pve planet
RE: Instanced Dungeons/Raids
Well I have a different point of view, have you tried AO? Trust me that met 900 ppl inside the same dung is not funny, nothing to kill, big chance to get no loot and high chance to be ganked. PvE environment should stay away from pvp, but hey it's my opinion. They are for sure in time to make both options. If you are a PvPer and you are scared to meet none inside open dungeon it's just your problem. Anyway we are complaning things that we have not seen. Prolly it's better to wait and see something before argue hehehe
RE: PK punishment
@Deity Syndesia and/or Arboreus should be safe from Gankers. They are making the game for both PvErs and PvPers