@esher he make his better ! XD

Best posts made by Demlone
Latest posts made by Demlone
RE: Merci de l'accueil ^^
ce serait cool de tester les premiers pas d'un mmo
être pionnier d'une histoire naissante !
RE: The psychology of gaming
I think ... for me a mmo is really interresting for he's backstory , it never end and evolved again and again ! And years later you're like " i remember this time who this country was full of this people and a war coming and now this people was disapear ..etc etc "
RE: Merci de l'accueil ^^
Pareil ! Ça à vraiment l'air interressant plus qu'à espéré que se soit pas trop cher
( après je comprend qu'il faut payer la qualité bien sur )Me to ! That's sound like very interresting ! I wish that game don't became to expensive
( well i know the quality have a price ) -
RE: HOW and where i can download the game!? so stupid site!
The game will paid in a subscription like world of warcraft ? Like 12€/month or just one payment for have the game ?
- ouch i'm pretty sure that's not really like that to explain in english my question BUT I TRIED
- ouch i'm pretty sure that's not really like that to explain in english my question BUT I TRIED
RE: Hi everybody !
Thank for all of thos information !
i'm really enjoy to check that ! Well ... i don't have a really great level in english bit i tryed very hard be patient with me please
RE: Merci de l'accueil ^^
Hey salut ! Et bienvenu ! C'est interressant de pouvoir faire connaissance avant même la sortie du jeu ! Qu'est ce qui t'a intriguer aux premier abord ?
Hi ! Welcome ! It's interresting to talk with people before the game is here ! What intrigated you first ?
Hi everybody !
Hello i'm demlone a french gamer who's curious about this game ! Any french here ?