Daily post of the day

Posts made by DeadAshe
RE: Hi from Albion online
Albion was fun... first year
Sadly they keep wrong direction...
RE: PK punishment
Idk... but im against punishments. ( Or only in specific areas ofc )
RE: Hi from Albion online
Ye but i play in alfas and betas mostly... in full game my guild ( Aegis ) stop play.
RE: New Section "Czech & Slovakia"
Hope they will make some space for us.
RE: Daily Message posting
Hi all! Is there someone from AlbionOnline?
Need to know how many enemies there !
RE: Key for a review on YouTube
Just for youtubers? I know there are famous streamers etc, but will be nice if we can stream this game for our community ( or nation ) in native language. Yes my english isnt best, but i dont think it must be only english streamers/youtubers right?
RE: World Size / Changing World?
@prometheus Good to know, just hope. Always nice idea have some problem with implement into real life... like girls in my life... eh another story!
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
Im full PVP player... until i find some shiny iron/stone/skin or just my wife wake up
RE: Hi from Albion online
Hope this one wil be diff.... I spend alot of my time into AO, but after many years its like repetetive nothink.... Hopefuly this one can be fun for some time
Thx for hi
Česká a Slovenská komunita
Zdravím lidi, doufám, že se nás sejde co nejvíce. Snad tato hra dopadne líp, než můj milovaný Albion. Pokud někdo z nás získá přístup do Alfy, doufám, že se podělí o info, zkušenosti a zážitky!
Hi from Albion online
Hi all, hope it wil be better or diff then AO. Too much disapointed from it. Hope we meet in game and have alot of fun!
RE: Win a Pre-Alpha Key with The Foundation
Everyone need key! i need one too