@MichaelZhang at present for me it is not only playing solo - it is playing lonely! After two weeks of playing a met a total of three other players. One sleeping at the chimney, one passing by and one running away. Moreon i found no way to interact with them. No mouseover menu, no right click menu, no click options on their names. I have no clue how it is possible to invite them to anything. Same in chat: No clue how to whisper or invite. Poor. And my motivstion is pretty low to invest time in the future, because i know that all my efforts to build a lovely house are gone when I go for vacation. Yes, i can pay in advance, but then i have to play for the rent of my base. lol. is this my job or a game?? There is so much to do to attract casual players for more than a month or even less. But that is why i think we will ever be early access, because a little group of hardcore fans will be here constantly to keep at leat that status.