Game alive or dead?

  • So much old and outdated contend here.
    Even the patch frequence gets lower and lower since oct/nov 2023.
    As i could read there is quite a bunch of developers. But for that i think there should be more indicators, that the game is alive.
    Same for the forum.
    I'm not sure if it is worth to invest time into fractured online? Is it?
    We are in early acess. When will we leave that?
    Looking into the news i find that some testing will start in dec 2023(!). Serious??
    What is going on at present? Plans? Release?



    Dev Team isn't big. Plus they had problems with few things in last year. And money. Quite a lot of problems unfortunately.
    Things seems to get little bit better in last few months but hard to say if it will be enough to propel this game towards stage where every month we will welcome bunch of new players.

    Otherwise. Game is alive and last update was less than 2 weeks ago. It added alchemy, ghosts, skills, and mounts no longer have only placeholder stats.

    And most changes were for better, thou some may fell like damage DPS droped bit too much for PvE.

  • Damage DPS droped bit too much for PvE,this is not a good thing,not everyone has the time to hunt together with their teammates,Some people have sporadic time and more time playing solo as a solo player,If you can't solo the level 9 mob, then solo online will be boring, and more and more people will stay away from the game

  • @Gorkiey I'm not sure, but imho there should be more. I love the game and will maybe keep on playing, but i promiss we will never leave early access. Even with todays patch. 😉

  • @MichaelZhang at present for me it is not only playing solo - it is playing lonely! After two weeks of playing a met a total of three other players. One sleeping at the chimney, one passing by and one running away. Moreon i found no way to interact with them. No mouseover menu, no right click menu, no click options on their names. I have no clue how it is possible to invite them to anything. Same in chat: No clue how to whisper or invite. Poor. And my motivstion is pretty low to invest time in the future, because i know that all my efforts to build a lovely house are gone when I go for vacation. Yes, i can pay in advance, but then i have to play for the rent of my base. lol. is this my job or a game?? There is so much to do to attract casual players for more than a month or even less. But that is why i think we will ever be early access, because a little group of hardcore fans will be here constantly to keep at leat that status.

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