I'm going to say no.
I wouldn't mind if it's there just for shit and giggles but then that's just pointless.
If there's rewards to come out of it, then I'm definitely against it.
I'm going to say no.
I wouldn't mind if it's there just for shit and giggles but then that's just pointless.
If there's rewards to come out of it, then I'm definitely against it.
Come to think of it, one of the higher tier pledge rewards is a ghost-penguin butler.
I think that pretty much sets the precedent that the game will have some silly things like that.
Hate to have to resort to this thread for my daily post, but there is literally nothing else worth replying to at the moment.
I don't mind it, so long as it doesn't over-saturate the market and limit our choices to mainly joke armors.
I understand designing a bunch of drab looking, realistic animal hide armor and medieval style armor can be one-note at times since they all eventually just blend together so I'd understand if they want to take some artistic liberties in designing more fun sets.
It's coming along all right so far, but there's not much to enjoy.
Anyone who says otherwise hasn't played a good game in a long time.
It's unfinished and early in development, unlike the other titles, I can tell you that much.
It's extremely bare-bones, so it's unfair to compare what it is currently to those other titles.
Berserk and Psycho Pass I guess.
Don't read or watch much of either medium.
I would expect it to be a daunting goal and task to undertake if that's the goal for your character upon creation and not a thing you can grind out and do within a few days.
I'd be very disappointed if people (demons) can immediately become angels so soon after character creation.
Dueling is a basic and old game mechanic.
I would expect it to be in unless they have good reason for not doing so.
The thing is that these pledges were made for people with lots of expendable income to support the game.
But a lot of people who are barely getting by or not as comfortable financially also sink large sums into the game pledges and end up regretting it because of their situation.
I just hope Fractured lives up to its promises and even if it doesn't, the developers are diligent enough to keep working on content that makes its players happy.
@Pwnstar Yes. This is the last week for the current pledge packs offered.
You can refer to the news announcement for more details.
They will announce more new pledge packs in the future, but they will come with much less or inferior bonuses.
19 possible creators, 19 people with input.
I don't know what they had in mind when they say design a a deity, but if they kept it simple like just a description and a name, I can see people's ideas easily overlapping.
It seems like this will be the last chance to grab these pledge packs, so if you're on the fence, you should do it now while you can as future pledge packs will be inferior.
Only thing that concerns me is that they opened up additional slots. With the way the Creator pack works, for example, I hope people's designs aren't too similar or overlapping and I wonder how the team will work with each player to make sure everyone's designs are unique.
It's never too late to learn something new!
Perhaps you could try some more interesting titles for your videos to distinguish them from one another!
I don't think it's necessary at this point and I don't think it's our place to suggest what publishers they should go with without knowing the internal workings of the company.
Based on answers given in the past, once the lands are all claimed, the game will generate more land or plots that can be claimed.
I wish the site would let us save multiple iterations of our chosen hero profile and let us choose which one we want to be active and displayed.