Full disclaimer, I know that this game has it's core group who will defend the developers choices regardless, but as someone who wants the game to actually succeed, acceptance isn't a solution.
Now, I'm someone who has stuck with this game for a very long time, and I've noticed the same core issues recited by new (now former) players. The woes of these players cannot simply be chalked up as "But that's the developers view", or "I like it, therefore it's fine", because ignoring legitimate complaints will undoubtedly lead to a game with higher attrition than onboarding. Though most games can function with a minimal, dedicated player base, this game, with it's "player driven economy", cannot be feasible without a growing community and the changes driven by them.
The following are common complaints that I have read:
- The time it takes to move past primitive gear, and the lack of a "how" has caused many players to leave. There is simply too much BS in the way of producing higher tiered gear than primitive when you don't know what the hell is going on, and the tedium to make work stations is a turn off.
Potential solution: allow access to all crafting stations in starter cities, but maintain the gold cost. Remove the gold cost when crafting in your own plot, or untaxed city. Remove the refining time for leather, wood, metal, etc.
- The heavy material tedium. Is harvesting heavy materials supposed to be a full time job? There is very little incentive other than to make crafting stations, or level up your crafting (which does next to nothing), and the system itself just seems tedious and unenjoyable. This GAME should not feel like a full time job, with all it's monotony and BS.
Potential solution: remove heavy materials and replace them with normal materials which fit into your inventory space. This would make crafting, building, collecting in general, MUCH more enjoyable and less time consuming, making time for other more entertaining elements of the game.
- PVE combat. With the latest update, PVE combat has become more prohibited to solo players. The solution of "just play with others" is not attractive to many players, who would rather play a different game entirely than be forced to work with others.
Potential solution: Decreases in either mob health, damage, or both, to produce a more entertaining game for solo players. Maintain the group requirement through difficulty for legendary creatures, pvp forts, sieges, and maybe future "raid" type instances.
- PVP. The real issue with an abundance of red players is the lack of every other player to prevent this, thus bored players who have completed everything turn against players who have not.
Potential solution: listen to players grievances and try to make a game which will attract more than a niche audience. More blue/neutral players, or even reds from different groups, will help reduce the amount of suffering by PVE players.
- Introduce AI merchants to sell to and buy from, ensuring a base cost of goods and a means of generating income from other sources, or sinking gold into, let's say, an "extract vendor", who sells extracts at a relatively high cost. I know this one is a potential solution to an unlisted problem, but most successful RPGs have similar elements, and I want this game to be successful.
Potential solution: read above.
- Potions. Potions seem to be a bit off... they are relatively expensive and tedious to produce, and don't last that long.
Potential solution: make the potion effects permanent until the player enters a downed state. Increase the cost or reduce the amount of potions created to compensate. This may also dissuade red players, as they stand to lose more without extra gain.
I hope the devs give these an actual read through, as I thoroughly believe these changes would make the game more palatable for newer players, and would not effect the current player base much at all.
More players = better economy and game atmosphere. Some ideas for the game which are too niche should be done away with in favor or increasing the player count.