Posts made by BaconBR
Create NPC
In the case of players ruling over places, will they be able to create an npc to guard the place or execute other tasks or something like that ?
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
I know a bunch of people who created an account and then gave up because the game wasn't released yet, bunch of morons if you ask me.
RE: The Fractured Kickstarter Campaign Is Live!
Makes me wish I had money
RE: Merchandise idea's
Mybe in the future, I sure hope the game has charismatic characters like WoW and such.
RE: there should be a 4th class
I would like to see a machine-like race, maybe an artificial one, even more neutral than humans perhaps.
The Best Mount EVER
So I was reading the latest post about having to carry materials for building, and I thought about a type of mount I've never seen in other games. So let's say a npc or maybe even your friend with a bigger strength score gives you a piggyback ride. We need this on fractured.
Recrutando Demônios: Guilda Ebur Dens
Poder e dominação, tenha o mundo aos seus pés.
I think it would be hard to have an ocean in the demon planet since it's a desert and all
RE: (PT - BR) - Como será a interação entre mundos?
Vai ter uma mecanica de teleporte, mas o tempo que você pode permanecer em um planeta sem tomar penalidades vai depender da sua raça e alinhamento, algumas penalidades são o tempo todo tipo os demônios que perdem parte do seu poder fora de seu planeta natal exceto durante os eclipses que serão eventos esporádicos de tempo limitado em que os demônios terão mais vantagens em invadir outros planetas. Também haverão areas restritas para cada alinhamento e areas que serão extritamente pve ou pvp, além de areas seguras.
I don't get the abilities
So as far as I understand the abilities will be unlocked at random is that it? Will we have any control with at least wich school we would like to learn?
RE: Will there PvP in this game?
Even in pvp areas there are rules though, good characterss can only attack evil ones without suffering penalties and so on.