Posts made by Agaton
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
I wait for screens at which i will see how different characters looks like.
RE: Kickstarter Update - Start Date & Video Teaser #1
Quite interesting,
I wait for look at other races and maybe look at the character creation system/panel. -
Body building
What do you think about give the option to choose between skinny, slim, normal or fat body building of your character?
If you are interesting point which one you will choose.
Will it be some mechanics with create teams (tables, invites) or it will be only the fact that i meet someone and we fight together for a while?
Will it give me option to go through for ex. orc village without fighting, only singing? And could I enchance stats of players allied with me?
Look for characters
Do devs give us some photos from the game how characters looks?
Zapraszam do Swamp Heroes. Jak na razie nazwa i opis po angielsku bo sądzę, że będą nie tylko Polacy, lecz jeśli większość okaże się Polska, to wtedy przerobimy nazwę i opis.
Niechaj Polscy gracze okażą swe zdolności oraz koleżeńskie usposobienie. Mam nadzieję, że będzie mi się miło z wami grać