Yesterday i was playing the new game from Amazon and on the spawn i met a guy who start to talk with me on Voip. After a bit of meeting we pass a really sweet night toghether. I think that without that possibility we would not have even gone beyond the classic "hello word"; because f you have to move or start to play you dont want to pass half the time writing with the keyboard.
So.. i dont know how is possibile to implement on Unity and how much cost\effective can be, but maybe can be a new stretch goal. I really want to image how could have been UO with a Voip channel, maybe really toxic and unmoderated but we can implement an option to turn it off globally or mute a single person ecc.
Well i know that nowadays there is Discord for guilds ecc, but Voip can really add something to the casual meeting in a RPG experience, it allow to have a more fluid experience while playing toghether..
Im suprised too that in Fallout76 there still isn't a Voip channel to speack with people in the world, that is a clear signal about how much that game was "ready" to be released..
Edit: I saw now with the holy search button that there was a discussion 6 months ago about Voip and other voice features but seems wasn't much well covered, here we can go a bit more in the pros\cons..(for me there are only pros expect the cost that can be maybe huge):