Yep for sure core team need to focus on other things.For sure foundation, news and alle the PR part can help bring in new funds and people so one dedicated person on a team of 10 people is probably needed to do this kind of thing..
As foundation itself i think it has alredy enought rewards and going to insert some new ones like titles on 300\400\500s level might be something but people that far are alredy loyal users that don't need anymore help to stuck with Fractured so, meanwhile others users\newbiews might get discouraged by those new titles :p.
Might be better to end it at the start of the beta and reshape it a bit with a new turn and new seasonal rewards, time for a foundation new expansion, need to expand level cap or remodel leveling systems ahah
Best posts made by 00
RE: Foundation
RE: Switching Characters
Well probably my experiences bring me to this different point of view. If you have to compete vs someone else and there are fixing parameters like no macros\scripts or no multiaccount is a fair duel. If you have to compete vs some lamer that have private scripts that do autothings or have 3x character active at the same time is a different situation..
Anyway as i say planet division will alredy differentiate the players by their playstyle and if some big issues will emerges devs will probably take the right decisions to ensure a fair and fun gameplay.. -
Exp to the tank!
I don't know if this was alredy asked:
Today i was in a group with 3 mages, i was tanking down the elementals and unlucky i couldn't got any experience because my damage was too low. Maybe it can be solved with a proper weapon that isn't primitive but else if is a dps race would be cool to get experience based on the damage you took or tanked.Edit: well seems it was alredy discussed a bit here
RE: A quick recap about the foundation and its future
@lovechildbell Well if you take the time to log daily for months to take 50 pts you might show interest in the game and deserve to test the Pre alpha.
But again for me is way more annoying if someone start to necro 3months thread just to say cool or spam in more intersting discussions, so that topic is pretty beneficial from my point of view. -
RE: ETA on Official Release?
I dont think you want to take the right dates for vacations of 2022