What challenges should guild alliances face?
When I played World of Tanks a couple years ago, it had exactly what I see you all arguing for:
- No alliances
- Friendly fire
- Collisions
- Restricted guild sizes (100)
- Equal-sized forces
- The clan wars maps would reset periodically, to give everyone an equal chance of getting on the map
Was it the nirvana you describe? Nope.
All the best players flocked to a few guilds (clans), who then dominated the best territories, divided it up, stopped fighting each other, and only defended themselves from the lesser guilds who tried to attack.
New guilds/players had very little opportunity to play with top-tier players in a clan setting and thus learn how to improve. I was once able to arrange getting one of the professional e-sports players to shotcall a battle for my clan, and the difference was stark, but it was something that simply didn't happen much.
Limited battle sizes meant it was impossible to include everyone in my clan who wanted to fight in clan wars, and I continually had to put eager people on the bench, which caused all kinds of drama.
Now I'm seeing you all argue for something I already know from experience doesn't work.
I don't think you all can truly understand how awesome the zerg meta is for me in Albion, having first experienced World of Tanks!
Zergs include everyone, and the lack of alliance limits (and the disabling of friendly fire) mean that the best alliances still want new people, giving those new people a chance to play with very good players and thus learn.
I very much want to see that in Fractured.