Game Idea : Relic War (PVP) and other game mode



    People forget that casual guilds exist too. I don't see why they shouldn't be involved in this. It's not like only the very top guilds will own cities. And yes, politics actually should influence everything in a game like this. Not so much that a single player would notice (since we're talking about insignificant buffs here) but enough to make factions and alliances matter. If this game boils down to "you're good, I'm good, therefore we must be allies", I will be very disappointed.

    In short, I'd rather have this as an expansion on the PvP sieges and guild system, than a mostly PvE thing that forces guilds that hate each other to cooperate simply because they identify as the same alignment. "This neighbouring guild has been our rival for months, we'd definitely wage war on each other if we could, but there's a relic near our border, so we have to cooperate in order to protect it from raids." "We're both chaotic evil guilds, and we'd definitely slaughter each other if we could, but you know how it is. Gotta make sure that evil artifact stays protected!" This would immediately turn a mature, serious world into a childish, Harry Potter-like story of "Good" versus "Evil".


    @Nelchael @Finland What if we set asside guild and alignement and we go for guild or player god. Each temple could be claim in the name of a god and anyone who follow the path of this god would get the buff and have to fight for it ? this would lead to 6 factions, if i remember well.


    @zwiterion said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):

    @Nelchael @Finland What if we set asside guild and alignement and we go for guild or player god. Each temple could be claim in the name of a god and anyone who follow the path of this god would get the buff and have to fight for it ? this would lead to 6 factions, if i remember well.

    This could be interesting, and fit nicely into Fractured lore.

    However this would eliminate guilds being able to work together, as gods are player chosen and not guild chosen (each player in guild can follow a different god), and it might end up as general unorganized chaos (everyone for himself).

    Or it would end up guilds forcing all members to follow the same god, which would again be bad in a different way.



    That could work, although it would probably still end up being a PvE thing, since no one would stand around to defend a temple. Even if nearby players got an alert pop-up (something like "Your god is calling you to action! Defend the temple!"), a well-organised raid party could eliminate the NPC guards and take/destroy the artifact before a defense could be rallied.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @nelchael if you lose the relics the buff will wanish and people can conquer that place by collecting new relics. You are calling it PvE but I don't see anything related to PvE cosnidering you have to fight people there to get the buff.



    Where would the people come from? Unlike a city, there's no reason for players to stand around a temple, so they wouldn't have enough time to form a defense. It would be a mess; an organised offensive party against a few people who happened to be in the area when it happened and don't really know what's going on. That's called being caught with your pants down, and it never ends well.



    • limit this to human planet as each race can travel to there without restrictions
    • make it a GvG thing, to have it as organized team work (fitting a MMO)
    • have relics set in temples that exist outside of guild controllable zones (so guild set rules in those zones can not interfere with relic system)
    • set a particular times when relics can be retaken from someone, so people do not have to guard those 24/7 and after they win one, they can enjoy it's benefits for a while before next relic event
    • devs would be able to balance the event later on (if needed) by increasing or decreasing CD on relic event, and power of the buffs they would provide

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @nelchael It should be just something like. I have to go in that region to do something, well let'z get the buff. Once you have done there you will not care to stay there except for the purly purpose of pvp.


    @nelchael But even if the defense isnt there in time the defending party could try to block their way back home, since they have to escort the relic back to their temple. Also, maybe temple could be lock until specific time, that would help to assure that player would be there to defend.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):

    make it a GvG thing, to have it as organized team work (fitting a MMO)

    I absolutly want something like battlegrounds that are not related to gvg but somehow are funny to play. I was just trying to suggest soemthing open world. For what I see there is no way to talk here with ya. You want X and X should be. You con0t care to give things to everyone.



    "I have to go to that region to do something, let's get the buff. Oh look, they're trying to steal the artifact! I must defen-" aand you're dead. An organised offense would completely demolish a few people randomly standing around with no leadership and no idea what's happening.

    And why would you stay there? You don't know when the enemy will attack. It could be in an hour, it could be tomorrow. You'd just leave and go do your own things.


    Or they could break it and go home.

    It would have to be locked for at least an hour to let the defenders organise their troops and make a plan, and that just wouldn't be any fun for the attackers at all. Both sides should be able to enjoy these things.


    @finland said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):

    I absolutly want something like battlegrounds that are not related to gvg but somehow are funny to play. I was just trying to suggest soemthing open world. For what I see there is no way to talk here with ya. You want X and X should be. You con0t care to give things to everyone.

    Lol, how am I preventing you from being in a guild, and playing with your guild for this?

    Also, if you want such (buff reward based) group content in fractured, it has to be GvG, because if random people keep forming raids and win a relic each time with different group, how in the hell you would design a system to give those particular people relic buff over time, and change it with time constantly? What if they change teams later? Would they just keep changing teams until one random team is able to give them victory?

    Such system would be a huge drain on resources because it would have to track thousands of players individually, rather then just tracking particular guilds that won and apply buff to a winning guild.

    You know i make suggestions not because I want to make it opposite from what you want, but because I have arguments that make sense. 🙂

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @nelchael Dude everyone can destroy and conquer it. You go there to do that kind of pvp or to get the buff. It's not an hard core thing like city conquest and that how should be. Givin casual things like battlegrounds for instanced games.


    @Nelchael What i mean by lock a specific time was : The temple could be open for an attack every sunday , or something like that 🙂 So with a fixed day and time, guild or even individual player could gather to defend or attack.



    My point is, it's not PvP. There'd be no way to defend these things. You can go and get the buff, sure, but you can't defend it when it's under attack. It wouldn't be two groups fighting each other, since there's no defensive group. They wouldn't know when to defend.


    That is actually plausible. There'd be an issue with time zones, since Fractured most likely won't have regional servers, but that's a relatively small deal. The exact hour could be randomised every time to make it fair, and announced a few days beforehand to make sure all players who want to participate can prepare.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix I never said that you find relics inside dungeons. have you read what I said few posts ago. The way you get the relics are strictly related to the sposts like an open world battleground. The buff will benefit all players forllowing a certain god in that region.

    Also, if you want such (buff reward based) group content in fractured, it has to be GvG, because if random people keep forming raids and win a relic each time with different group, how in the hell you would design a system to give those particular people relic buff over time, and change it with time constantly?

    The buff can be constat cause it can be lost easly.

    What if they change teams later? Would they just keep changing teams until one random team is able to give them victory?

    you don't need a team to do it. the buff will buff all players with the same faction.

    Such system would be a huge drain on resources because it would have to track thousands of players individually, rather then just tracking particular guilds that won and apply buff to a winning guild.

    no. every player of that god/karma would get the buff. that why I said early on karma cause would be just 2 this way would be easier.

    You know i make suggestions not because I want to make it opposite from what you want, but because I have arguments that make sense.

    I'm talking about things I played on other games and actually worked. If ya don't find it intresting it's another thing. For sure I want avoid too many GvG things. for more casual things like: Shit i'm exploring the region XYZ o crap there are fighting for some shrines let's join the fight.

    Something like this but with the relics mechanincs (this is an open world controll points to get the buff):


    From what I can see, there's two ways of making this work:

    • Putting the relics in a city, so that there will always be players there to defend them. Downside: this ties it to the guild system, which some people seem to dislike.
    • Making these temple fights available only at certain times, as @Zwiterion and @Gothix said, so that both attackers and defenders have equal time to prepare. Downside: time zone conflicts.

    What @Finland is suggesting,

    Shit i'm exploring the region XYZ o crap there are fighting for some shrines let's join the fight.

    wouldn't work in my opinion, because the defenders would have no idea when to rally. It would be too one-sided. The attackers could spend a week planning a massive raid with fifty people, and the defenders would only have whoever happens to be in the area at the time.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @nelchael the point is: you get the buff and you go do your tasks. if someone else will get the relics you will lose the buff and if you want you can go abck and try to get the relics again. If you check the video you may understand better what I have in mind.


    @nelchael said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):

    What @Finland is suggesting,

    Shit i'm exploring the region XYZ o crap there are fighting for some shrines let's join the fight.

    wouldn't work in my opinion, because the defenders would have no idea when to rally. It would be too one-sided. The attackers could spend a week planning a massive raid with fifty people, and the defenders would only have whoever happens to be in the area at the time.

    The most important thing is that this would be solo based (as gods are personalized), and this just make friends play against each other, rather then with each other. OR it would force them to follow the same god to be able to play it in small teams, or with guilds.

    There can be some other stuff to do that are solo based, but this "relic thing" with global buff rewards based on god just doesn't fit in (imho). It fits in more as a "guild thing".


    There could be some other FFA objectives and puzzles, both PvE and PvP, or mix, that award player(s) that did them with personal buffs that have an expiration timer.

    Player runs around doing his tasks, and sees a nice puzzle. Perhaps other players in area are also trying to solove it for themselves. Perhaps there will even be conflict, if they cant agree to work together.

    Whoever solves a puzzle, or wins an objective gets a personal timed buff.

    This, for example, fits much more in for solo style event, than that "relic thingie". 🙂

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