I really love the art work
Kudos to whoever you have doing your art - it's amazing.
Well then @Sunti, amazing work!
My favorite is this one https://assets.fracturedmmo.com/images/universe_feature_01.jpg - I honestly don't know why, but I can just look at it all the time. I would hang this in my house if it was available
I don't know if the home page art was done purely with a computer, but they look drawn with maybe some charcoal - the shadowing and texture is awesome.
@kellewic Sunti is really cool I love his artWorks too. You can find his jobs on ArtStation and on his WebSite
@kellewic You can find some brush on Photoshop that can do this effect. And you need some skills too ^^
Love the Tiger people designs.
I have always been a fan of the dark Gothic look.
I agree the artwork is really nice...also I love the looks in general too. They are all having an even and equal quality with a very nice touch to them. So keep up the good work!
They certainly have some highly talented and creative individuals behind this project.