Server Save Fail - August 16, 2024 (Aerhen 21-Hour Rollback)

  • DymStudios - CEO

    Hi all,

    yesterday at 4pm UTC a bug occurred in the world of Aerhen that caused all Aerhen world saves made after that time to be corrupted. By world saves we mean everything player-made that's in the game world, most notably cities and land parcels. Note: banks are not actually part of the world, they have been saved correctly.

    The saves were created on time and looked correct on the surface, so we didn't receive any alert from our monitoring systems and only found out a couple hours ago.

    The bug that caused this, which was on an engine level, has been identified and fixed.

    After careful consideration, we decided not to rollback everything (i.e. all player characters and Terra) by 21 hours, but only the world of Aerhen itself, to minimize progress losses.

    If you've incurred notable losses in building your city or home, please tag a Game Master on Discord and they will help you rebuild. If you've incurred notable item losses (this can happen if for example you moved all your bank into your home in the last 24 hours), please also reach out to Game Masters. We'll intervene personally crossing player character backups and world backups to restore your items.

    Do note that this is an extremely time-consuming process for us. If you've dropped an Orb yesterday night and put it in a chest, please don't call for Game Masters, as we physically don't have time to intervene to restore a single item.

    We hope in your understanding.

    The Dynamight Studios Team

  • WTF lost my trade cart of Azurite to guildy, and 1 cart of Sulfurite and 1 of Blazium i already refined during that time, lost 4 hours of work (and preparation even more)...

    Also my preparation to start crafting firestafs and scholar gear is delayed now by a day at least.

  • @DraxOakstaff
    send me a DM on Discord.

  • @Mod_Spoletta where on disc ? lost alot more seems, but dunno howmuch, first production on amberwood planks gone also omg, just want carts back to restart it (extracts gone)

  • Resolved.


    Yep Yep, keep up the good work. Shit happens.

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